Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: FC9EFE5F-2E3A-436A-9FA0-CDDB72DA1969 <br /> VOLKERT <br /> Commuter Rail Corridor Crossing Study, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina <br /> (2003): Mr. Snow served as the project manager on this project. This analysis of 26 at- <br /> grade rail crossings along the proposed commuter speed rail corridor in Wake, Durham, <br /> and Orange counties. Each at-grade crossing was analyzed in relation to existing and <br /> projected vehicular traffic; existing and projected freight, commuter, and passenger rail <br /> service; existing and projected pedestrian and bicyclist traffic; accident history; and <br /> existing and projected land uses. Recommendations for closure, upgrading, and grade <br /> separating were provided for each of the 26 locations. This information was Included in <br /> the environmental impact statement required for the entire commuter rail project. <br /> Project Experience-Major Land/Economic Development Studies <br /> Caleb's Creek Transportation Study, Forsyth County, North Carolina (2011 —2013): <br /> Mr. Snow served as the principal-in-charge responsible for comprehensive traffic capacity <br /> analysis and the development of a transportation assessment of a proposed 1,800-acre <br /> mixed-use development. The project involved the collection of traffic data;distribution and <br /> assignment of projected traffic; assessment of levels of service using both Synchro and <br /> High Capacity Software; coordination with local government, state government, and <br /> private developers; and establishment of design concepts for both traditional and non- <br /> traditional design guidelines. <br /> NOAA Pacific Region Master Plan, Honolulu, Hawaii (2006): Mr. Snow served as the <br /> project manager on the project. The transportation study is for the development of a <br /> master plan for the NOAA Pacific Region on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor. Access to the <br /> secured facility was a key issue in the study. Other transportation study elements included <br /> transit plans, bicycle and pedestrian access and mobility, parking supply and demand, <br /> parking lot layout, access design recommendations, and signage. <br /> Soltis Site Selection Services, North Carolina, Florida, and Illinois(2005—2006): Mr. <br /> Snow served as the project manager on the project. The project involved zoning data <br /> collection, geo-referencing, digitizing, and mapping North Carolina, Illinois, and Florida <br /> (Tampa and Orlando Region). CDM Smith created a zoning GIS database for all zoning <br /> types that would support Soltis' target development. The database was created by <br /> compiling and digitizing the municipal and county zoning maps for selected cities and j <br /> counties in those states. <br /> Hampton Pointe (NC 86) Improvements, Hillsborough, North Carolina (2002): Mr. <br /> Snow served as the project manager on the project. The project was a traffic capacity <br /> analysis report, preparation of signal warrant analyses for three intersections, roadway <br /> design plans, and traffic signal designs for a 0.25-mile section of NC 86 for the 1-85 <br /> interchange to the Hampton Pointe Shopping Center Driveway. <br /> 3 <br />