Orange County NC Website
11 <br />APPROVED BY BOCC ON XX /XX /XX <br />UPDATED AS OF 012915 <br />Audience Identification <br />In broad strokes, this Plan recognizes its Primary Target Audiences to include Residents; <br />Media; Orange County Employees; and the Current Business Community. Secondary Target <br />Audiences include Visitors; Other Governmental Officials (local, state, federal); Community <br />Groups (e.g. civic organizations, faith -based organizations); Potential Business Recruitments, <br />and Potential Future Residents. <br />In more practical terms, the target audiences for any particular piece of County communication <br />will depend on the type of message, the nature of the messenger, available communications <br />resources and tools, and the particular environmental circumstances at the time. Specific <br />audiences are then more narrowly focused from the general grouping, taking into consideration <br />any targeted marketing campaign, which tools should be used, and any strategic messages. <br />Communications decision - makers should review the checklist at Appendix A to determine <br />which of the potential audiences are to be specifically targeted recipients of communications <br />under the particular set of circumstances at hand. In many cases, audiences on that list will be <br />non - applicable or redundant. The rationale behind creating and using the list in that appendix <br />is to err on the side of considering too large a list, then to reduce it by purposeful analysis - as <br />opposed to considering too small a list and improperly ignoring an important audience for the <br />message. <br />Tools /Asset Identification <br />Orange County Government communicators are afforded wide discretion in selecting and <br />employing the mechanisms and vehicles for transmitting information to their desired audiences <br />in any particular set of circumstances. Appendix B provides a list of potential tools to be <br />considered for each communication event. This list reflects both those communication tools <br />that are available to Orange County Government and those that may become available in the <br />future. <br />