Agenda - 02-03-2015 - 4b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-03-2015 - Regular Mtg. - Late
Agenda - 02-03-2015 - 4b
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Last modified
1/29/2015 1:22:29 PM
Creation date
1/29/2015 1:22:27 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 02-03-2015
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4 <br />Chair Earl McKee <br />January 16, 2015 <br />Page 3 <br />Energy Management <br />We recently completed major energy efficiency improvements at our Mason Farm Wastewater <br />Treatment Plant (WWTP), which accounts for about 60% of our total use of electricity. Those <br />improvements have resulted in about a 30% reduction in electricity use at the WWTP, thereby <br />enabling us to save more than $120,000 a year while also reducing the greenhouse gas emissions <br />associated with our energy use. We featured this project in our latest issue of the Blue Thumb <br />(our customer newsletter),which is here. <br />We will soon be developing an Energy Management Plan, which is Strategic Initiative #5 of our <br />Strategic Plan. That plan will guide our future energy management, energy efficiency, and <br />renewable energy decisions, actions, and investments. We will keep you updated and seek your <br />feedback as we proceed with this important effort. <br />Long-Range Water Supply Plan and Jordan Lake access <br />We will update -Range Water Supply Plan. One of the first steps of this <br />process will be to update our water demand projections. OWASA will work with our local <br />governments and UNC staff to incorporate their growth projections into the analysis. <br />, <br />On November 142014, we applied to the NC Division of Water Resources toretainour Jordan <br />Lake allocation of about 5 million gallons per day (for use in extended droughts and operational <br />emergencies). The NC Environmental Management Commission may decide on allocation <br />requests in November 2015. <br />On November 13, 2014, we received information from OWASA staff on options toaccess our <br />Jordan Lake allocation. Staff will incorporate this information in the draft update to our Long- <br />Range Water Supply Plan. <br />Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) <br />In accord with our Strategic Plan, we will in coming months evaluatethe feasibility of <br />implementing AMI technology, which uses radio equipment and meters which can be read <br />water use including indications of a potential water leak. Community engagement will be an <br />important part of our process, but we agreed on November 13, 2014 to defer the engagement <br />process until we receive the results of the feasibility study in 2016. <br />Forestry Management <br />In accord with the Federal permit for the Cane Creek Reservoir, we are implementing a forestry <br />management plan provided by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission for our 490 acre Cane <br />Creek mitigation tract. From August through November 2014, our contractor carried out the <br />plan on 407 acres of the tract (the remaining acres had been previously managed). The <br />management included no cut areas around streams and at property boundaries near occupied <br />homes on 151 acres, thinning on 201 acres and final harvest on 43 acres. Small hardwood <br /> <br />
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