Agenda - 02-15-1994-X-B
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-15-94 Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-15-1994-X-B
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1/28/2015 12:11:51 PM
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1/28/2015 12:11:33 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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8 <br /> RECOMMENDATION <br /> (1) Create a "fresh-start" for the TACs. To revive the TACs, the Planning <br /> Department should look towards a new beginning. The TACs should meet <br /> as one large group (possibly a day retreat) to work together to develop <br /> communication between TACs and with the Planning staff. This initial <br /> meeting would help all members to better understand the TAC system and <br /> purpose, and to know the members of other TACs (which could be valuable <br /> resources to their meetings). After this organizational meeting, TAC chairs <br /> should consider meeting (possibly quarterly or biannually) to discuss <br /> membership, communication, and meeting problems and solutions. <br /> (2) Solicit new TAC members. There were a significant number of respondents <br /> (30%) that indicated that they were no longer interested in serving. The <br /> 55% no-response rate to the questionnaire suggests that more individuals <br /> may no longer be interested in serving on their TAC. Therefore, the Planning <br /> Department should solicit for new members. Current and old members are a <br /> great resource for suggestions of new members. <br /> (3) Clarify mission of TACs. One TAC member expressed confusion about the <br /> purpose of the TACs. I believe that many more TAC members are confused <br /> about the mission of the groups. There seems to be a mix of expectations <br /> and goals. For instance, one Bingham TAC member sees the TAC as a place <br /> for newcomers to get to know about the area. Another member saw his/her <br /> TAC as a liaison between "the people" and the County Commissioners. <br /> Another suggested that the TACs be used to get peoples' opinions - <br /> replacing "public hearings." At the meeting/retreat of all the TACs, a work <br /> session should be devoted to developing a mission and a set of goals for the <br /> entire TAC system and each individual TAC. The mission and goals would <br /> be in line with the existing guidelines already established for TACs. <br /> (4) Advertise TAC meetings and agendas. Overwhelming majorities indicated <br /> that citizens in their community were unaware of TAC meetings, unaware of <br /> agendas at these meetings and unaware of up-coming issues. In addition, <br /> individuals wrote-in that the planning department should advertise these <br /> meetings (Example, see 133). In response to these comments, the Planning <br /> Department should increase the visibility of the TACs and their meetings. <br /> One member suggested advertisements or public announcements in the <br /> newspaper. <br /> (5) Hold regular (auarterly) meetings. An overwhelming majority (96%) of TAC <br /> members that responded to the questionnaire believed that they would be <br /> more effective if they met regularly. They did not believe that meeting for <br /> "big issues" was the way their groups should function. Once the TACs <br /> have been reorganized and new members have been appointed, starting a <br /> regular meeting schedule will be possible. <br />
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