Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> ctounoary Gescricoed with bearings typical Street cross•sections and inter section <br /> and distances <br /> dictoilT "ictuding design and width of travelway <br /> X total itcrLrace of the tract and <br /> shoulders <br /> acreage of tots, Including and horizontal at ignment and general curve data (out) <br /> O excliding area within rights•of-way <br /> roacs) <br /> controt corner centerline radius or. all Proposed Streets <br /> proposed (at '.fines with aimensions X WOC permanent features such es buitdings, cemeteries, <br /> to, Z block rLPYvINers historic landmarks <br /> E P`.as.*Mg Liries '� sajoining lot layout names of adjoin"mg prope,-tv <br /> 1 4-4 <br /> topography at ten foot (10) intervaitt owners. if subdivided, subdivision plat name, pi <br /> water bodies, streams, ito•rdwny &M K*- book & page number, and perimeter lot numbers. <br /> floodplains landscaping and buffer requirements <br /> N/A <br /> - _.: stream buffers township, corporate and extra-territorial pJannin <br /> VA":: location and size of parcels dedicated jurisdiction lines which cross the property <br /> E for public use, recreations( use or location and Size of tots of restricted devetopmei <br /> r-sorved in common with purpose noted <br /> potent:&I and notation on plat regarding some <br /> Al <br /> impervious surface date (41 located in X stormwater detention and/or retention sites and <br /> U <br /> water supply watershed) undisturbed areas for infitt-ation purposes (if <br /> vicinity map showing generat location located ;n water supply water;.'.ec;) <br /> of subdivision. with streets and reads <br /> icent4fied by State road number a-wl <br /> r-aft <br /> C. OTHER SUbMIT7AL REOUIREMENTq <br /> t. Twenty-five (25) cc-pies of the prel",v;rtdry ptat. <br /> 2. G.w ;toil siic c,.py of &it Orange Co-.A"vty lax .rap (6ith tax parcels involved clearly marked in perc-1). <br /> 3. the municipal or OWASA Sew" is not avAl:ible.. a copy of tne Preliminary Plat indicating Health <br /> Dea&rtzcn% soils anstysis approvet/ceniat tar each lot shown thereon. <br /> 4. Where a private road is proposed a written statement by the applicant or his/her authorized representativ <br /> which sets forth the justification for a private read (cee Section IV-8-3-&I of the Orange County <br /> Subdivisior Regulations). <br /> S. Auxiliary cocuments, in draft form, prepared in accorclar-• with Section VI a' this Ordinance which asst;-: <br /> completion and/or maintenance of improvements required by tnis Ordinance. Such documents may inctude, tut <br /> not be limited to, a private road maintenance agreement, and articles of incorporation and restrictive <br /> covenants pertaining to a homeo;-;rer's association. Thest documents mity oe required as necessary as <br /> evidence that the ordinance rectu"ititc.nts are beir.g met. <br /> 6. Fec - S350 00. p!ur. 15.00 per lot (I fee for preLim;nary and f;-%&( plat). <br /> the a;rUcant, heremy certify that the foregoing appLicarian is complete and accurate. <br /> APPLICANTS SILNAW!.E 0'441FR' 5:GNATURE <br /> :A-.E :,P%TE <br /> rZ* <br /> .2 <br /> NFES: Amount Cate Xeceipt 0 0 14 <br />