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8 <br /> port paid to reimburse LANDLORD for its additional administrative costs. In addition, any Rent <br /> which is not paid when due shall bear interest at the Default Rate(which shall be the higher of <br /> eighteen percent(18%)or the highest rate permitted by law)from the first day due until paid. Any <br /> payment by TENANT or acceptance by LANDLORD of a lesser amount than shall be due from <br /> TENANT to LANDLORD shall be treated as a payment on account. The acceptance by <br /> LANDLORD of a check for a lesser amount with an endorsement or statement thereon,or upon <br /> any letter accompanying such check, that such lesser amount is payment in full shall be given <br /> no effect, and LANDLORD may accept such check without prejudice to any other rights or <br /> remedies which LANDLORD may have against TENANT. <br /> 4.06. Arimiall AftMIMM in Raft and Odw At the end of every Lease Year, <br /> the annual amount to be paid by TENANT for Minimum Rent, Marketing Fund, and WAC <br /> Maintenance shall be increased by the higher of(a)six percent(60/o)over the preceding Lease <br /> Year,or(b)the increase in the CPI(as hereafter defined)for that Lease Year. The adjustments <br /> shall take effect with the rent payment due each January 1,and shall be calculated based on the <br /> increase in the CPI published the prior October,over that published the October one year before. <br /> CPI shall mean the Consumer Price Index- U.S. City Average for Urban Wage Earners and <br /> Clerical Workers,All Items(1982= 100)of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. <br /> ARTICLE V <br /> RECORDS AND REPORTS <br /> 5.01. TENAKM TENANT shall maintain and keep at TENANT'S home office <br /> a full, complete and accurate permanent record and account of all Gross Sales,conducted at or <br /> from Premises by or for the account of TENANT,for each day of the Term hereof. Records are <br /> to be maintained in accordanoe with generally accepted accounting principles. LANDLORD shall <br /> have the right, at any reasonable time, to examine such books and records (inducing all tax <br /> retums)or have them audited,at the LANDLORD'S expense,except that if any such examination <br /> or audit discloses a deficiency of more than two percent(2%)in any annual statement of Gross <br /> Sales furnished by TENANT to LANDLORD, then TENANT shall pay the actual cost of such <br /> examination or audit,and shall immediately pay any deficiency in Percentage Rent,plus a penalty <br /> of ten percent(100/6)of the deficiency. <br /> ARM=VI <br /> USE HD OPERAMON <br /> 6.01 Pwmkbcl TENANT shall use the Premises for the uses designated as <br /> permitted uses in Article I and for no other purpose without LANDLORD'S written consent. Any <br /> variation or deviation from the specific use expressly set forth herein shall be deemed a default <br /> of this Lease. TENANT shall conduct its business in the Premises continuously to achieve <br /> maximum sales volume on all days and at all hours in which the Shopping Center is open and <br /> shall conduct its business only under the trade name designated in Article 1. The LANDLORD <br /> does not warrant or make any representation that the TENANT will have the exclusive right to sell <br /> any items or services in this Shopping Center. <br /> 6.02 Ckirdnixiin TENANT covenants and agrees to remain open for business <br /> at least during the store hours, as specified in Article I, and such additional hours for special <br /> promotions and holi days, as shall be determined by LANDLORD. If TENANT fails to operate <br /> during these hours it shall constitute a default hereunder entitling LANDLORD to pursue any <br /> remedies it may have,including temrinating this Lease. If TENANT shall request LANDLORD'S <br /> approval of the opening of the Premises for business for periods exceeding those specified in <br /> Article I,and LANDLORD shall approve such request,TENANT shall pay for any additional costs <br /> incurred by LANDLORD. <br /> 6.03. QuXbm vAlh TENANT will not breach or suffer the breach of any laws, <br /> statutory regulations, covenants, oondtions or restrictions affecting the Shopping Center or the <br /> Premises, each shall use and occupy the Premises in strict compliance therewith and in <br /> compliance with LANDLORD'S rules and regulations. TENANT shall not do or pemtit anything <br /> to be done in or about the Premises which will in ary way obstruct or interfere with the rights of <br /> other tenants or oomipants of the Shopping Center,or use or allow the Premises to be used for <br /> any improper, immoral, unlawful, objectional purpose, nor shall TENANT cause, maintain, or <br /> pemA any nuisance in or about the Premises. TENANT shall, at its sole cost and expense, <br /> comply with all laws, ales, regulations and requirements now in force, or which may hereafter <br /> be enacted, relating to or affecting the condition, use or occupancy of the Premises. TENANT <br /> 6 <br />