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7 <br /> 3.04. Hdft If TENANT shall be in possession of the Premises after the <br /> expiration of the term of this Lease,LANDLORD shall have the right to have the tenancy become <br /> month to month,terminable by either party on seven(7)days prior written notice, at a monthly <br /> rental which shall be at LANDLORDS discretion or equal to twice the sum of the monthly <br /> installment of Minimum Rent payable during the last m aith of the tern. Such tenancy shall also <br /> be subject to all of the conditions, provisions and obligations of this Lease. This shall not <br /> constitute a waiver of the rights of the LANDLORD to dispossess the TENANT and recover <br /> possession of the Premises and to bring any action for damages suffered by LANDLORD on <br /> account of TENANTS holding over. <br /> ARTKXE OC <br /> RENT AND 91HO CHARGES <br /> 4.01. Nk*mffn B Throughout the term of this Lease, TENANT shall pay Minimum <br /> Rent to LANDLORD as specified in Article 1. Mnim urn Rent shall be due the first day of each <br /> month in advance and payable in equal monthly installments without notice or demand. The first <br /> installmwt of rent shall be due on the Rent Commencement Date but shall be payable on <br /> execution of this Lease. In the event that TENANT has made an Advance Rental Payment this <br /> shall be applied to the payment of Minimum Rent beginning when the first(1st)morrth's rent is <br /> due. <br /> 4.02. Percenlage Rent TENANT shall pay Percentage Rent to the LANDLORD MOW <br /> notice or demand at the rate set forth in Article I. Within fifteen(15)days after the end of each <br /> calendar month,the TENANT shall submit to the LANDLORD an accurate written statement, in <br /> form satisfactory to LANDLORD, signed and certified by TENANT, showing the full amount of <br /> Gross Sales of the TENANT during the immediately preceding month,together with payment of <br /> Percentage Rent due based on the Gross Sales for that month. The Percentage Rent due shall <br /> be calculated by multiplying the Gross Sales in excess of the sales amount specified in Article <br /> 1 by the Percentage Rent Rate also specified in Article I. Unless the LANDLORD requests a <br /> deferent form,Gross Sales shall be a copy of TENANTS state sales and use tax report. Within <br /> thirty(30)days after the end of each Lease Year or Partial Lease Year,Tenant shall furnish to <br /> the LANDLORD a statement, in form acceptable to and approved by LANDLORD, duty certified <br /> by TENANT, showing the Gross Sales made during the immediately preceding Lease Year or <br /> Partial Lease Year. TENANT shall at the same time pay the full balance of the Percentage Rend <br /> due for said Lease Year. Any excess of Percentage Rent,that TENANT may have paid monthly <br /> during such Lease Year shall be credited against future rent payments. Each Lease Year shall <br /> be construed as an independent aocounting period for the expose of computing the amount of <br /> Percentage Rent. <br /> 4.03. Oftr In addition to Minimum and Percentage Rent,all of the payments <br /> provided for in this Lease, including, but rot limited to, operating expense charges, marketing <br /> funds,and WAC,to be made by TENANT to the LANDLORD shall be deemed to be"Additional <br /> Rent"and all remedies applicable to the non-payment of Mninxun and Percentage Rent shall be <br /> applicable thereto. Minimum Rent, Percentage Rent and Additional Rent are hereinafter <br /> sometimes collectively referred to as"Rent" <br /> 4.04. ftw* Dep ad TENANT has concurrently with the execution of this Lease <br /> deposited with LANDLORD the sum set forth in Section 1.14(hereinafter sometimes referred to <br /> as the"Sear*Deposal)as security for the full performance of every provision of this Lease by <br /> TENANT. LANDLORD may apply all or any part of the Security Deposit to axe any default by <br /> TENANT hereunder,and TENANT shall promptly restore to the Security Deposit all amounts so <br /> applied upon invoice. If TENANT shall fuly perform each provision of this Lease,any portion of <br /> the Security Deposit which has not been appropriated by LANDLORD in accordance with the <br /> provisions hereof shall be returned to TENANT without interest within thirty(30)days after the <br /> expiration of the Lease Tern LANDLORD may deliver the funds deposited hereunder by <br /> TENANT to the purchaser or transferee of LANDLORDS interest in the Premises in the event <br /> that such interest be sold or transferred,and, in the event the purchaser or transferee assumes <br /> the obligations of LANDLORD, thereupon LANDLORD shall be discharged from any further <br /> liability with respect to such seamy deposit. <br /> 4.05. Pavment of Rent TENANT shall pay all Rent when due and payable,without any <br /> setoff,deduction,objection or prior demand therefor whatsoever. If TENANT shall fail to pay any <br /> Rend within ten (10) days of the due date, TENANT shall be obligated to pay a late payment <br /> charge equal to the greater of One Hundred Dollars($100.00)or ten percent(10%)of any Rent <br /> 5 <br />