Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Li <br /> STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> COUNTY OF ORANGE LEASE AGREENEMT <br /> THIS LEASE AGREENENT, made and entered into this 241h day of January, 1994, by <br /> and between CARRBORO BELMAN S.C. LINITED PARTNERSHIP, by Balfour Holdings, Inc., <br /> General Partner, (hereinafter referred to as 'LANDLORD') and ORANGE COUNTY <br /> PURCHASING(hereinafter referred to as'TENANT); <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> LANDLORD hereby lets to TENANT and TENANT hereby rents from LANDLORD the <br /> Premises hereinafter defined, subject to the operation and effect of any and all instruments and <br /> matters of record or in fact now or hereafter, intending to be legally bound under this Lease and <br /> in consideration of$1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, LANDLORD and TENANT <br /> hereby agree with each other as follows: <br /> ARTICLE I <br /> BASIC LEASE SCHEMA F <br /> The following terms and definitions shall be applicable to the various provisions of this Lease <br /> which refers to them and should the provisions of this Article conflict with any other provision <br /> hereof, then such later provisions shall contra. <br /> 1.01. TENANrS TRADE NAME,, Orarige Courty Purchasirig <br /> 1.02 Poet OMoe Boot 8181 <br /> Mdmrcugh,North Camina 27278 <br /> cb J. M. Kane&Co. <br /> 40201MestChase Boulevard <br /> Suite 400 <br /> Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 <br /> 1.03. SHOPPING CENTER Canboro Plaza,located on that certain parcel of land more <br /> particularly described in Exhibit A <br /> 1.04. - Those occupying space in the Shopping Center in excess <br /> of 8,000 square feet <br /> 1.05. PREPASFS: Prerrrises leased(hereinafter called "Premises')consist of the space <br /> 13 outlined on Exhibit A, containing approximately 1200 square feet of gross leasable area. <br /> 1.06. LEASE?E. One(1)Lease Years, plus a Partial Lease Year, if arty, prior to <br /> the first Lease Year. The Lease Term shall commence upon the Occupancy Date which shall <br /> be the earliest of(i)occupancy by TENANT; or(ii) February 1, 1994. The Partial Lease Year, <br /> if arty,will end December 31st of the year TENANT occupies the Premises, and the end of the <br /> lease term shall be at 5:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time on January 31, 1995. <br /> 1.07. Not Applimble <br /> 1.08. PLAN SUIMSSION CIATE Not Aq*qble <br /> 1.09. PER rrrED USES The sole and exclusive use of the Premises is for a Drivem <br /> License Bureau and saMb sheriRs d 5w. <br /> wRtbn OirR179dM <br /> 1.10. SM.- Payment of Rent shall begin on Rent Comrnencement Date which shall <br /> be the earlier of(i)expiration of the fixture and stocking period, as provided in 1.07; or(ii)date <br /> TENANT opens for business. <br /> 2 <br />