Orange County NC Website
' 1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Action Agenda <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT Item No.-I --}- <br /> Meeting Date: February 15, 1994 <br /> SUBJECT: HOME Program/Development Agreement <br /> ------------------------------- ---------------------------------- <br /> DEPARTMENT: Housing/Comm. Dev. PUBLIC HEARING YES: NO: x <br /> ------------------------------- ---------------------------------- <br /> ATTACHMENT(S) : INFORMATION CONTACT: Tara L. Fikes <br /> Development Agreement Ext. 2490 <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER- <br /> Hillsborough - 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill - 968-4501 <br /> Mebane - 227-2031 <br /> Durham - 688-7331 <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> PURPOSE: To approve the Development Agreement with the Orange <br /> Community Housing Corporation (OCHC) for the Creel St/HOME Program. <br /> BACKGROUND: Approximately $32,000 in HOME funds awarded to the Orange <br /> County HOME Consortium is designated for the acquisition of two vacant <br /> lots on Creel Street in Chapel Hill. These lots are located in the Knolls <br /> neighborhood and will be purchased and developed by the Orange Community <br /> Housing Corporation. <br /> Since the HOME funds will be expended by OCHC, Orange County as lead <br /> entity for the Consortium must enter into a legally enforceable agreement <br /> between the County and OCHC requiring OCHC to carry out the activities <br /> proposed in the grant application in accordance with applicable HOME <br /> Program regulations. <br /> This document has been prepared for review by the County Attorney. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S) : <br /> The Manager recommends approval of the Development Agreement with the <br /> Orange Community Housing Corporation for the Creel Street Project and <br /> authorize the Chair to sign the document on behalf of the Board upon <br /> approval by the County Attorney. <br />