Orange County NC Website
P <br /> 4 ; <br /> UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA E <br /> DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS <br /> anuary 28 , 1994 <br /> Orange CnU ty =ommiss_aners <br /> Hillsborough, NC <br /> Dear Orange County Commissioners : <br /> This correspondence will serve as an offic; al request fro:T the <br /> E . Smith Center to obtain a cent i f Ica=e for use c: Type C - <br /> _o be used with pyrotechnic disp_ays as ~art -he �aY� <br /> .he gush concert scheduled at t:-Is =a _ ___ r . T'.":is- _ _ _ <br /> one day, March 6 , 1994 . <br /> The management of the Smith Cente_ --sure that t'-Le <br /> insurance coverage naming the face__ y as an add—Donal insurq <br /> will be a minimum of $1 , 000 , 000 . 0 :n addition , Mr . - :ones , <br /> Fire Chief of the Chapel Hill Fire Departnent , has agreed to mane <br /> an inspection of the pyrotechnic displays on the date of its <br /> planned usage and will also insure that all proper licenses are = <br /> effect . The Chapel Hill Fire Department maintains normal fire <br /> prevention measures for all such events at the Smith Center . <br /> We would appreciate your favorable consideration of this reque_t . <br /> The displays as an integral part of the performance of Rush . <br /> The Smith Center has and will continue to notify the approcr_ ?te <br /> authorities to make arrangements for these type permits as s----n a= <br /> events are finalized and under contract . We appreciate eery m�:c:-: <br /> the understanding we have received from city and county mana-lemen <br /> regarding time restraints we work under in attempting to c�ta,__ t:.- <br /> �rDper certification once an event is booked . <br /> 'l=ank you once again for your help . <br /> Sincerely <br /> Ned Collett <br /> Dean E . Smith Center <br /> University of North Carolina Department of Athletics/PO Box 2126/Chapel Hill,North Carolina 27515/(919)962-6000 <br />