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1 <br /> 1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Action Agenda <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT Item No. <br /> Meeting Date: February 15, 1994 <br /> SUBJECT: PYROTECHNICS PERMIT; RUSH CONCERT <br /> DEPARTMENT: PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES PUBLIC HEARING:YES: NO: X <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Checklist PAM JONES, ext. 2650 <br /> Letter of Request from Smith Center <br /> Letter from University Police Telephone Number- <br /> Letter from Chapel Hill Fire Officials Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Pyrotechnician's License and Qualifications Chapel Hill 967-9251 <br /> Site Layout with inventory of pyrotechnics to be used Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Certificates of Insurance Durham 688-7331 <br /> Permit <br /> PURPOSE: To consider a pyrotechnics permit for a concert by the group, RUSH, to be held at the <br /> Dean Smith Center on Sunday, March 6, 1994. <br /> BACKGROUND: Pursuant to a policy adopted by the Commissioners on January 18,1994 respecting <br /> the approval of a pyrotechnics permit, the documents listed above have been submitted by the <br /> sponsoring agency as evidence of the completion of criteria established by the Commissioners. <br /> While discussions regarding the acceptability of the $1,000,000 general liability insurance have yet <br /> to be concluded, it should be noted that the insurance covering this event is $10,000,000. <br /> A reiteration of the procedures necessary to complete the checklist and ultimately the approval of <br /> a pyrotechnic permit after the Board gives their conditional approval is as follows: <br /> ♦ Chair to the Board signs the permit form indicating that the Board has given their <br /> approval, contingent upon approval of the Fire Officials following the site-set up <br /> inspection on the day of the event; <br /> ♦ The permit is delivered by the County Emergency Services Director,or designate,to <br /> the site of the pyrotechnic display on the day of the concert; <br /> ♦ Chapel Hill Fire Officials perform on site inspection of the pyrotechnics set-up and <br /> observe a demonstration of pyrotechnics representative of those which will be used <br /> during the event. <br /> ♦ Chapel Hill Fire Official signs the permit only after he is satisfied that all safety <br /> issues have been successfully addressed and according to his professional <br /> expertise about these matters believes the pyrotechnics to be used will in no way <br /> jeopardize public safety. <br /> ♦ Orange County Emergency Management Director,or his designate,signs permit only <br /> after all other signatures are in place and he has been satisfied that all issues of <br /> public safety have been addressed. <br />