Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> MEETING SUMMARY <br /> TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1994 <br /> NOTE: This summary is organized according to the meeting <br /> agenda and includes items which require Board and <br /> staff follow-up. Items not on the printed agenda <br /> appear where they occurred. See the meeting's <br /> agenda and abstracts in the Clerk's Office-- 732- <br /> 8181, ext. 2130 for any background material you may <br /> desire. <br /> I. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO THE AGENDA <br /> -- Added as Item VIII-O on the Consent Agenda <br /> "Change in Meeting Location for the March 1, <br /> 1994 Regular Meeting" <br /> -- Added 3 appointments to Consent Item VIII-D, <br /> Appointments <br /> -- Removed from Item VIII-D, Appointments, Orange <br /> County Planning Board and Orange County Board of <br /> Readjustments <br /> -- Removed minutes for Dec. 11, Dec. 16, Dec. 21 <br /> and Jan. 10 <br /> II. AUDIENCE COMMENTS <br /> A. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> B. Matters not on the Printed Agenda (7: 30-8: 00) <br /> -- Doug Ferguson and Betty Ibraham spoke about <br /> the orange County Civil Rights ordinance <br /> III. BOARD COMMENTS (8:00-8:05) <br /> -- Follow-up is a discussion of County Commis- <br /> sioners' participation on Boards and Commissions <br /> IV. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT (8: 05-8: 10) <br /> V. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br /> VI. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br /> VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS (8: 10-8:45) - Public Comment: 15 min. ; <br /> Board Discussion: 30 min. ) <br /> A. Economic Development Districts Design Manual -PH <br /> was held; discussion was held; referred to <br /> Planning Board for recommendation. <br /> VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION--CONSENT AGENDA (8:45-8: 50) - All <br /> Approved <br /> (Any item may be removed for separate consideration) <br />