Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> 2 <br /> -Shallow soil depths generally less than 24 inches to <br /> unsuitable horizons / saprolite or parent material . <br /> 15 borings in Field III - 3 borings indicated soils meeting a <br /> classification of Provisionally Suitable for LPP systems . <br /> These borings were located in areas which leads to the <br /> estimation that approximately 2 , 510 linear feet of <br /> drainfield is located in Provisionally Suitable site/soil <br /> conditions . <br /> - 12 borings were classified as Unsuitable for <br /> the same reasons indicated above . <br /> SUMMARY <br /> Approximately 12 ,000/ 12, 240 linear feet or 982 of Phase I <br /> system was installed in soil and sites meeting a classification of <br /> Provisionally Suitable. <br /> Approximately 2 , 510/27 ,613 linear feet or less than 10 % of <br /> Phase II system was installed in soil and sites meeting a <br /> classification of Provisionally Suitable. <br /> With a total of 14 , 500 linear feet of system installed in <br /> Provisionally Suitable soil , the estimated capacity of the system in <br /> flow is approximately 7,250 Gallons Per Day. This is compared with: <br /> - the permitted regulatory flow of 12,240 Gallons Per Day based on <br /> DEM' s assumption of three bedroom homes, <br /> - and with the design flow rate of 15 ,360 Gallons Per Day based on <br /> the regulatory flow of 120 GPD per existing bedroom. <br /> Please keep in mind that these figures are only estimates based on the <br /> limited amount of evaluations done , but are indicative of the expected <br /> long term functionality of the system based on site and soil criteria. <br /> In this evaluation, we have not taken other factors into account such <br /> as installation techniques , proximity to embankments or monitoring <br /> wells , trench depths , system components and materials , design factors , <br /> or the present operating difficulties , all which affect system <br /> performance . Please let me know if you have any questions regarding <br /> this . <br />