Orange County NC Website
-j HN il '94 09:58 BROWN & WOOD NY <br /> 3 <br /> AN ACT TO ALUM ORANGE COUNTY TO ACQUIRE AND OTHERNISIC MM <br /> AVAILAUS PROPERTY FOR USE By A. s+ nom AvuINTsmTI" UNIT <br /> WITHIN THE CaUM AND TO AKM ORANGE COUNTY'S AUTHORITY <br /> RELATING TO IMACT FEES. <br /> The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: <br /> Section 1. A county may Acquire, by gift, grant, devisee, <br /> bequest, exchange, purchase, lease, or any other lawful method, the <br /> fee or any lesser interest in real or personal property for use by <br /> a school administrative unit within the county. In exercising the <br /> purer of eminent domain a county shall use the procedures of <br /> Chapter 40A. A county may also construct, equip, expand, improve, <br /> renovate, repair or otherwise make available property for use by a <br /> school administrative unit within the county and may lease., sell or <br /> otherwise dispose of such property to a school administrative unit <br /> for such price and upon such other terms as may be agreed upon by <br /> the county and such school administrative unit. <br /> A county shall uses its authority under this section only upon <br /> the request of the school administrative unit for which property is <br /> to be made available pursuant to this section and after a public <br /> hearing. <br /> Sec. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of G.S. IISC-318 and <br /> 0.8.16"-274 to the contrary, a school administrative unit may <br /> lsa", sell or otherwise dispose of any of its property to the <br /> county in which the property is located for such price and upon <br /> such other terms ass nay be agreed upon by the school administrative <br /> unit and such county in connection with the construction, <br /> equipment, expansion, imprevwwnt, renovation or repair or <br /> otherwise making available for use by it of such property or sore <br /> part of such property. A school administrative unit may also <br /> acquire, by gift, grant,, devise, bequest, exchange, purchase, lease <br /> or any other lawful method, the fee or any lesser interest in real <br /> or personal property for use by it from the county in which it is <br /> located and contract for the construction, squipmant, expansion, <br /> improvement, renovation or repair or otherwise make available for <br /> use by it of such property or some part of such property upon such <br /> tomes ^a way be agreed, upon by it and such county. <br /> Sec. 3. G.S. MA-331(b) (2), and G.S. 153A-340(b) (2) are each <br /> amended to read: <br /> "(2) por purposes of this subsection, the teem <br /> capital isprove meents includes the <br /> a..,p ition of land for open space and <br /> greeenv eys, capital, improvements to public <br /> streets, schools, bridges, sidewalks* <br />