Orange County NC Website
71 <br /> SECTION 6 <br /> COUNTY GOVERNMENT/PROJECTED 0 <br /> FISCAL IMPACTS OF PROJECT <br /> Tax Base-The tax base represents the increase in assessed property value expected each year as a result <br /> of the project development. The values are shown in 1,000's, and are derived from a formula which <br /> includes the market value of the proposed development, the assessment ratio and a percentage for <br /> personal (equipment) tax. <br /> Example Market Value = $1,945,105,Assessment Ratio = .95, Equip.Tax = 5% <br /> 1) $1,945,105 x .95 — $1,847,850 <br /> 2) $1,847,850 x .05 = $92,393 <br /> 3) $1,847,850 + $92,393 = $1,940,243 <br /> 4) $1,940,243/1000 — $1,940 <br /> Revenues <br /> Property Tax-Derived from a formula which multiplies the tax base times the tax rate. Inflation <br /> rate is entered in for each year. <br /> Example Tax Base = $1,940,243, Tax Rate = .7460 per$100 valuation <br /> 1) $1,940,243 x .7460'_ $1,447,421 <br /> 2) $1,447,421/100 = $14,474 <br /> Sales Tax- Sales tax is derived from a formula which multiplies the proposed square footage of <br /> the new development times the projected sales per square foot of the new development. This <br /> product is multiplied times the county sales tax rate to determine the amount of sales tax <br /> generated annually. There is no sales tax in this particular example. <br /> Equipment Tax-Equipment tax is derived from a formula which multiplies the assessed value of <br /> all personal property (equipment) times the tax rate times a percentage for depreciation. The <br /> product is then divided by 100 to reflect per$100 valuation. <br /> Example Assessed Personal Property Value = $3,236,561, Tax Rate = .7460 per <br /> $100 valuation <br /> $3,236,561 x .7460 x .90/$100 = $21,730 <br /> Fees-Revenues from fees are included in the first year's total. This figure is taken from the total <br /> in Section 5. <br /> Expenditures - First year expenditures are taken from the breakdown by category in Section 4. <br /> Expenditures for subsequent years include an inflation factor. <br /> Example Community Maintenance expenditure for 1993 = $64, Inflation rate — <br /> .0290 <br /> $64 x .0290 = $1.856, $64 + $1.856 = $65. <br />