Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY PRIORITY LIST <br /> FOR CONSIDERATION OF FUNDING IN THE <br /> NORTH CAROLINA TRANSPORTATION IMPR OVEMENT PROGRAM <br /> PRESENTED AT THE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PUBLIC <br /> HEARING ON OCTOBER 28, 1993 <br /> Orange County appreciates the opportunity to participate in the North Carolina Transportation <br /> Improvement Program process. Like so many jurisdictions across the state, we have <br /> transportation-needs we feel are necessary to provide our citizens with a safe and efficient <br /> multimodal system throughout the County. Although our needs are extensive, we have <br /> concentrated our priority list on those projects we feel are most critical to all in Orange County. <br /> We would also like to commend the North Carolina Department of Transportation on its use of <br /> recycled and alternative materials in road construction projects. We encourage you continue the <br /> practice of using alternative materials such as shredded tires and recycled asphalt on'all projects <br /> statewide. <br /> Our transportation needs list is divided into two-sections. The first section deals with selected <br /> projects within the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro metropolitan planning area. The second <br /> section deals with projects in the remaining portions of Orange County which lie outside of the <br /> urbanized area boundary. <br /> PROJECTS WITHIN THE DURHAM - CHAPEL HILL CARRBORO <br /> METROPOLITAN PLANNING-AREA <br /> As a member of the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, Orange <br /> County will continue to work with the Transportation Advisory Committee (DCHC TAC) to <br /> develop a complete list of project priorities for the portion of Orange County that lies inside the <br /> urbanized area boundary. However, there are selected projects in Orange County which we <br /> would like to address now because they have been the subject of discussions between the TAC <br /> and the Department of Transportation. <br /> 1, Homestead Road Widening <br /> This is Orange County's top priority for new road projects requested from TIP funds. <br /> Last year the Orange County Board of Commissioners supported the request by the Durham - <br /> Chapel Hill- Carrboro MPO to widen and make safety improvements on Homestead Road-from <br /> High School Road (SR 1834) to Airport Road (NC 86). The requested improvements also -- <br /> included bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Although a small portion of this project was funded, <br /> the County feels a broader scope needs to be assigned to the project limits. Homestead Road <br /> is a connector facility for the Carrboro, and Chapel Hill communities and is the primary route <br />