Orange County NC Website
62 <br /> Based on recent studies and review of research on fiscal <br /> impact analysis, the following applications might be useful for <br /> Orange County; <br /> Revenue Forecasting <br /> Capital Improvement Programming <br /> Budget Projections <br /> Comparing Levels of Service <br /> Steering Development <br /> Annexation Issues <br /> Determining Patterns of Land Use <br /> Planning Infrastructure <br /> The mast obvious risk in using any type of fiscal impact analysis <br /> is a jurisdiction's sole dependence on the outcome of the analysis <br /> for d cision-making. Fiscal impact analysis is a tool for guiding <br /> decisIfter on-making but does not take into account environmental or <br /> socia impacts, or impacts that are very real but not easily <br /> quantfied. These impacts could easily be more "fiscally <br /> signi icant" than the development itself. <br /> numerous discussions with you, Budget, Economic <br /> Devel pment and Finance Staffs, I feel safe in recommending the <br /> Propo tional Valuation Template for use as' a tool for "sensitivity <br /> analy is, " - comparing different development scenarios and <br /> assis ing decision-making based on each one's relative value, not <br /> on on individual development's bottom line net fiscal impact. <br /> I have attached an in-depth explanation of each section of <br /> the t mplate to the Parker-Hannifin analysis. Explanations for <br /> other analyses are identical to the Parker-Hannifin explanation <br /> with he exception of the obvious differences in the numbers. <br /> Addit onally, I have attached the Refinement Coefficient Worksheet <br /> for urther clarification. Please let me know if you need <br /> addit onal information. <br /> i <br /> C <br /> i <br />