Orange County NC Website
0 <br />• Submitted examples of prior work products for other clients that reflect the principles of <br />"simplicity" and "clarity" that the Board has previously cited as vital characteristics for the <br />County's message regarding the land transfer tax referendum <br />• Commitment to a message encouraging voters to learn more, participate, and make an <br />informed choice <br />• Demonstrated grasp of the most significant questions potential voters are likely to have <br />about the proposed land transfer tax <br />• Recognition of the need to reach out to different constituencies by means of a broad appeal <br />through print and broadcast media and acontent-rich Web interface <br />• Availability due to its proximity, about 20 minutes from downtown Hillsborough <br />• Emphasis on the importance of collaboration among the Board, staff, and Education <br />Advisory Committee <br />• Corrunitment to work with t(ie Education Advisory Committee in recognition of its value as <br />a feedback and filtering mechanism to address community information needs <br />• Preparedness to rapidly correct (via intenzet, radio and local television) misinformation that <br />may surface in the community <br />• Extensive contacts throughout local and statewide broadcast and print media for paid <br />advertising as well as "eanled media" (e.g. scheduled interviews) <br />I look forward to discussing this recommendation with you tonight during your consideration of <br />Item 6-b on the Board's agenda. Representatives from Ballen Media will attend tonight's meeting <br />to respond to any questions or comments you may have about their proposal. <br />Attachf~zents: <br />• 3/10/08 RFP -Media Consultant for Land Ti°ansfer Tax Voter Information Effort <br />• PT~oposal from Ballen Media <br />• Proposal from The Campaign Network/Godda~°d Clausen <br />