Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />Executive Summary <br />Gallen Media respectfully submits this response to the Orange County's RFP 5140 to <br />select a media consultant to design and execute a voter education effort related to an <br />advisory referendum on levying a land transfer tax: <br />We believe we are uniquely poised to address the research, development, and <br />execution of both media and public relations that will be measurably supportive of the <br />Orange County's efforts by closely collaborating with its Board of Commissioners and <br />Citizen Advisory Committee. <br />Raising taxes to maintain the vitality of a region's infrastructure is always an onerous <br />task. There are always a host of customary oppositions. For example on the basis of <br />creating smaller government and letting free markets generate growth, perceived <br />burdens to those on fixed incomes, etc. Now that region's typically robust real estate <br />market has slowed additional opposition will come from that industry. <br />Consequently the responsibility of educating voters on the full ramifications of the <br />referendum is considerable and Ballen Media will demonstrates its ability to be Orange <br />County's best selection for this responsibility based on the following: <br />a) Our assembled team of advertising, marketing and public relations professionals who <br />are passionate about using their collective skills to further the health and wellbeing of <br />North Carolina's citizenry. <br />b) We have a proven network of creative talent, media contacts and thought leaders that <br />will assist in reaching each segment of the County's target audiences. <br />c) In house capabilities for television and radio commercial production plus interactive <br />marketing, website development and collateral material. <br />d) A solid track record in producing media for social, political and health related causes. <br />Dwayne Ballen <br />CEO /Creative Director <br />919 475 3866 <br /> <br />