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address issues, but he is not ready to move forward with this until there is more feedback on <br /> the SWAG's recommendations. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the advisory group was presented with these plans as <br /> addressing every rural resident over a period of years. He said people should not pay for <br /> something they are not getting. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said Gayle Wilson should address the issue about dual systems. <br /> Commissioner Rich said, in reference to the dual systems, the manager is collecting <br /> data from the Solid Waste Convenience Centers regarding who is dropping off what materials. <br /> Commissioner Rich said one question that has been answered is that there is not a <br /> correlating decrease anywhere else when there is an increase in the recycling in the bins. She <br /> said the systems —the carts and the convenience centers - are running in conjunction with <br /> each other. <br /> Gayle Wilson said he has never used the term dual system. He said the reason or the <br /> County's continuing success is the complimentary and overlapping services. He said people <br /> use the convenience centers for different reasons, and the centers are for much more than just <br /> taking bottles and cans and garbage. <br /> Gayle Wilson said there has never been a long term plan, and the system has been <br /> built year to year and decade to decade. He believes that the result of the SWAG will be the <br /> creation of a comprehensive plan for solid waste. He said two of the four funding options <br /> currently under consideration assume a three year phase in of roadside service countywide. <br /> He said the Board of Commissioners will ultimately decide what happens in the unincorporated <br /> area. He said staff would like to prepare a roadmap and follow it as closely as possible. <br /> Gayle Wilson said staff can delay the roll carts and send out communication to <br /> residents. He said it is uncomfortable not having a funding plan, but the County has not had <br /> one for two years, and he feels we are on the cusp of having one from SWAG. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said she feels comfortable going forward. She said recycling <br /> is something that the County values, and she does not see it ending. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the only risk in this is the money being spent on the carts. <br /> She said this is the will of all of the parties, and she does not see that there is really any risk. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the charge to SWAG directs the group to come up with a <br /> long range vision, and the part that has been done so far is the easy part. He said the future <br /> discussions of transfer stations and incorporation of the hospitals and university will be the <br /> harder things to come. He said there will be other people brought in for these decisions, but <br /> the goal right now is to get this part done. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said residents should be assured that even if they do not want a <br /> cart, they can still use their orange bins. He said this has been a continual question, and the <br /> system will be adapted to accommodate those concerns. <br /> Chair McKee said he applauds the increase the carts have caused in the towns, and he <br /> believes there will be an increase in the rural areas as well; however, he would be more <br /> comfortable if the SWAG would come forward first with their recommendations for funding <br /> recycling before these carts are purchased. He said recycling is already being collected and <br /> he does not see the carts as a decision that must be made right now. <br /> Commissioner Rich emphasized that the bins can only be used in the rural areas and <br /> not in the urban areas. She said the trucks in the towns cannot pick up the bins. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> authorize the purchase of 7,600 95-gallon roll carts from Rerhig Pacific at a total cost of <br /> $444,144, to be borrowed from the solid waste enterprise fund reserve over five year period at <br /> a 2.5% interest rate. <br />