Orange County NC Website
Chair McKee asked if anyone can be trespassed off of the property if there are not any <br /> "no trespassing" signs. <br /> John Roberts said anyone can be trespassed off of the property based on conduct, but <br /> without signs, someone is not automatically a trespasser if they are found on the site. <br /> David Stancil said there are diamond shaped park boundary signs around the property, <br /> but these do not say "no trespassing." <br /> Commissioner porosin asked if signage stating that the park is closed except for <br /> specific hours would make it implicit that you are trespassing if you are there when it is closed. <br /> John Roberts said that should be implicit. <br /> Commissioner Price asked about the northern boundary where the park abuts <br /> residential properties, and whether there will be any barriers. <br /> David Stancil said the plan does not envision any fencing on the northern boundary of <br /> the property yet, but this may be considered as the planning goes forward. <br /> Commissioner Price said it would be good to tell people in the park that private property <br /> is beyond a certain point. <br /> David Stancil said this can be done. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> authorize staff to proceed with described actions to open the park on a limited basis with a <br /> target of March 2015, and to direct staff to with the County Attorney to determine on which <br /> projects and to what extent it is allowable for the County to require payment of a living wage by <br /> contractors. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he would like some clarification on the living wage issue. <br /> He supports the idea, but he is confused about when this is permissible, and he would like <br /> more information from John Roberts on this issue, and what the motion does related to that. . <br /> John Roberts said in 2013 the legislature passed some amended language that allows <br /> Counties to contract with private entities, but it states that they may not require a living wage <br /> as a condition of bidding on a contract. He said a living wage requirement could probably be <br /> added to any contract that is under the bidding threshold. <br /> Commissioner porosin said if a contract is put out to bid, the County cannot say that a <br /> vendor must pay a certain amount to its workers in order to get the contract, but the County <br /> could specify for a preference for working with contractors that pay a living wage. He said if <br /> the lowest bid came in, and it was a contractor who pays the federal minimum wage, the <br /> County would be required to accept that bid. <br /> John Roberts said yes, the County can put a preferential statement in any contract, but <br /> per state statute the lowest responsive, responsible bid must be accepted. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked if bids are solicited for projects that fall below the <br /> threshold of needing to go out to bid. <br /> John Roberts said there are typically requests for proposals that are similar to bids, but <br /> for smaller contracts those generally are not bid at all. He said small projects would be <br /> anything under $25,000 to $35,000. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked if the County is subject to the same requirement to pick <br /> the lowest bidder in the case of a request for proposal (RFP) for these smaller projects. <br /> John Roberts said no, that requirement is only for actual bidding contracts. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked Commissioner Jacobs if his motion is asking that an RFP <br /> be done for the picnic and parking areas for this project. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said they had asked staff to work with the attorney to determine <br /> whether a living wage can be required for those projects. He said his original motion was to <br /> have in writing the answers to the exact questions that the attorney just articulated, in order to <br />