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John Roberts said he does not know how much that will cost, and there are some <br /> contracts where the County is not authorized to make that kind of requirement. <br /> David Stancil said these items are the two biggest price tags in the project. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said there used to be signs at other future park sights, and he <br /> asked if there is a plan, as we get closer to a bond, to label those parcels that will be future <br /> parks. <br /> David Stancil said this was done at Twin Creeks in 2001. He said this is not done right <br /> now because it tends to attract attention and pull people in before staff is ready to have them <br /> on the property. He said this could be done as properties get closer to being ready. <br /> Commissioner Rich followed up on the living wage issue. She wonders, moving <br /> forward, if the County can make it clear when putting out bids for jobs that we prefer to work <br /> with contractors that pay a living wage. She said it is important to start getting their message <br /> out there to vendors. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the intent of his earlier motion was to have the attorney <br /> come back with a policy to adopt. He said he only brought this up now because this project is <br /> ready to go out for a bid now, and it would not come back to the Board for additional work <br /> while the bids went out. He hopes the attorney will come back with something that will <br /> accomplish exactly what Commissioner Rich is saying, but that will be in January. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the pond is being stocked with fish. <br /> David Stancil said staff has looked into this, but the plan is to try leaving it as it is, as <br /> there are already fish in the pond, and it is a fairly popular fishing spot. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the County is currently liable for any accidents that might <br /> happen at the pond now and if there will be liability moving forward. <br /> John Roberts said the liability is the same as any other County property. He said the <br /> location is next to a school, and there is an attractive nuisance doctrine, but the County has <br /> liability insurance to cover issues of that nature. He said having the property staff and open <br /> during designated hours would lessen the liability. He said no trespassing signs would also <br /> help. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if there is a gate to prevent driving into the park when it <br /> is now open. <br /> David Stancil said yes, but people park outside and walk in. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier referred to the agricultural demonstrations and asked what will <br /> happen to the food that is grown. She suggested that it could be donated to organizations <br /> such as PORCH. <br /> David Stancil said staff is still working on this plan and what will be done with the <br /> product, which will be low in volume. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the map, and asked for an explanation of the <br /> Emergency Access points. <br /> David Stancil said this was the original trail map done by GPS to show emergency <br /> access to people on the trails using a Gator or motorized vehicle. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs referred to the growing of food and said there are schools all <br /> around the park. He said the original plan was to coordinate with these schools to grow the <br /> vegetables. <br /> Chair McKee said a possible park manager was mentioned. He asked if this salary is <br /> included in the proposed budget. <br /> David Stancil this was approved as part of the original budget. <br /> Chair McKee said this must be an old pond, and some of these farm ponds drop off <br /> sharply in depth. He said it is important to insure safety for children. <br /> David Stancil said staff has been in this pond, and he thinks the banks have worn <br /> down. He said the plan is to let the vegetation to grow high in the non-fishing areas. <br />