Orange County NC Website
The Board considered a proposal for serving children needing child care subsidy in <br /> Orange County with a plan that will only address the current fiscal year but will provide a <br /> framework for additional discussions during the next budget planning cycle. <br /> Nancy Coston said the Board had asked her to go back and work on a new proposal. <br /> She said her staff has reviewed all information and funding, and the proposal being brought <br /> forward is to make no changes in the people being served through June 30th, and to implement <br /> the fee change. <br /> She reviewed the following information from the abstract: <br /> At a Board budget work session on November 11, 2014, the Department of <br /> Social Services (DSS) shared the impacts of recent budget cuts and eligibility changes on <br /> families in Orange County. The Board requested additional information and recommendations <br /> from DSS staff and the Board of Social Services on options for serving these children. The <br /> DSS staff and board have developed a proposal for the remainder of this fiscal year. The <br /> eligibility changes, recommendations and financial impacts for this year can be found in the <br /> attached chart. <br /> For several years, the state has not rebased subsidy allocations using the available census <br /> data. This year begins a six-year cycle to implement this rebasing and Orange County`s base <br /> allocation has decreased by approximately $700,000. The second phase of the <br /> implementation will occur in July 2016. After the original allocation, Orange County received a <br /> reallocation of$290,000 and has been informed of the possibility of one more reallocation this <br /> year. The Orange County Partnership for Young Children has also applied for additional Smart <br /> Start subsidy funds and if received, these would be added to the DSS contract. In addition, <br /> DSS has received some funds through IV-E of the Social Security Act to serve low income <br /> children who enter foster care. All of these funds have been included in this proposal. After <br /> reviewing details about the families receiving child care, DSS projects that the State funds, <br /> Smart Start funds and <br /> $595,000 in County funds already in the agency budget should be sufficient to serve the <br /> existing caseload. <br /> After receiving the comments from the Board of County Commissioners and from the DSS <br /> Board, DSS had studied the financial impact of the items discussed at the work session for <br /> addressing the immediate needs. DSS proposes serving children over age 5 with families <br /> below to the 200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL), not imposing the new income eligibility and <br /> fee requirements on relatives who are working with DSS to assure child safety and begin <br /> serving all children currently on the wait list effective January 1, 2015. Any requests for child <br /> care after January 1 st would be subject to a new waiting list until the financial impacts of these <br /> changes can be calculated. If funds become available, working families will be served from the <br /> wait list based on the date added to the list. Families being served with County funds will be <br /> informed <br /> that these services will continue through June 30, 2015, and will then be dependent on <br /> decisions during the 2015-2016 budget deliberations. If this entire plan cannot be <br /> implemented, it is recommended that the relative care and service to current recipients up to <br /> 200% FPL be prioritized for consideration. <br /> As part of the budget process, DSS will submit a plan for ongoing child care services with <br /> annualized costs for all proposals and with recommended priorities. The DSS Board is also <br /> planning to meet with the local legislative delegation to seek changes in some of the most <br /> harmful changes. <br />