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Commissioner Gordon referred to the portfolio management information on page 4. <br /> She would like to see staff provide information on the root cause for why this flexibility is <br /> needed. She said it is important to figure out what made this work when it started and what <br /> changed, so that you have a good idea of the problem in order to come up with a solution that <br /> avoids the need for this flexibility. She said the goal was to have affordable homes, and if the <br /> trust has to sell the homes then this goal is not being accomplished. <br /> 3. Solid Waste Advisory Group (SWAG) Update <br /> Mayor Kleinschmidt said the purpose tonight is to receive an update from the advisory <br /> group and to take action to extend the SWAG's work. He said there is no recommendation, <br /> but they would like to keep working. He said the timeline is designed to be respectful of the <br /> four budget processes. <br /> Mayor Lavelle said she is one of the representatives from Carrboro. She said there <br /> have been 4 meetings to date, and she provided the following list of accomplishments: <br /> 1. There has been agreement regarding the need for co-ordination of funding and cost <br /> decisions and the timing has been identified to allow costs to be included in municipal <br /> budgets. <br /> 2. The group has determined that issues related to Recycling and Construction and <br /> Demolition should be dealt with first, and issues regarding Municipal Solid Waste and a <br /> transfer station will be dealt with subsequently <br /> 3. UNC and UNC-Hospital have been integrated into the discussions and the potential for <br /> partnering has been discussed, with recognition that this is a longer term project to be <br /> undertaken after an agreement on recycling has been reached. <br /> 4. The fiscal assumptions underlying the Solid Waste Enterprise fund have been <br /> explored. <br /> 5. A markup of the Inter-local Agreement has begun, and the group is working on the third <br /> iteration of this. <br /> 6. The group has agreed to keep meeting over the next several months with a plan to <br /> report back to the respective boards in the early spring. <br /> Town Commissioner Lowen said the group's work is not complete, and they are <br /> requesting reauthorization, with the intent of making a recommendation on recycling funding <br /> and the Inter-local agreement by the end of March, 2015. <br /> Mayor Kleinschmidt said the funding mechanism is the challenge, and this is the core of <br /> the conversations. He said the County has been carrying the recycling program, but another <br /> solution is needed by June 30th. He said several funding options have been presented to the <br /> SWAG and subsequently to the staff of the various jurisdictions for analysis, critique and <br /> recommendation. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the first quarter of monitoring since the roll carts has been <br /> phenomenal. She said the overall single stream tonnage has increased by 324 tons since the <br /> first quarter of last fiscal year. She reviewed the following monitoring information: <br /> • High Performing Programs <br /> o Urban Curbside Collection —29% increase <br /> o Government Building Collections — 15% increase <br />