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David Stancil said yes, that would be an easy thing to produce. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if the Lands Legacy update is done annually or every two years. <br /> David Stancil said this is done every two to three years. <br /> Commissioner Gordon thanked staff for this report. She referred to the table in the <br /> report as compared to table 10-1 on page 4 of the report and asked about the relationship <br /> between these. <br /> David Stancil said this shows the prioritization and some minor refinements. He said <br /> staff was able to take a closer look at the projects, and there may have been one case in which <br /> there was a cost adjustment. He noted that the projected total cost is a ball park estimate, and <br /> it errs on the high side. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if the Board would be adopting what is in the actual text. <br /> David Stancil said the Board would be adopting the master plan itself, and the <br /> supplemental report is just information for the Commissioners. He said this will be manifested <br /> through the capital investment plan, which is looked at every year. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is curious about the metrics used to determine some of <br /> the numbers, especially the number of 35,000 to 40,000 visitors for Cedar Grove Park. <br /> David Stancil said Cedar Grove Park does not have the capability of counting heads <br /> because residents can walk into that park, even when it is closed. He said this number is an <br /> estimate based on activity, and it is probably driven by the fact that Hillsborough Youth Athletic <br /> Association (HYAA) uses that facility from April to October. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Allan Green is a member of the Parks and Recreation Council, as well as a user of <br /> Orange County parks and a resident. He said the master plan specifically mentions more trails, <br /> greenways, and connectivity between parks. He said these plans provide benefits for Orange <br /> County residents and are low cost. He urged the Board to consider those particular benefits <br /> and to adopt this plan. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the last master plan was done in 1988. She said the County <br /> needs a new master plan in order to get matching grant funds. She said the plan can be <br /> updated as things move forward. <br /> She is interested in Twin Creeks Park, and she noted priority number 7 is Twin Creeks <br /> Park— Phase 2. This Phase 2 actually contains some projects that were contemplated in a past <br /> bond referendum, and therefore should have priority for completion. She would like to see this <br /> park moved up on the priority list, and she asked the Board to remember Twin Creeks Park - <br /> Phase 2 when considering which park projects should be completed first. <br /> She noted that this approval is only for the table listing all of the projects, and there <br /> should be an understanding that this list will updated as things move forward. <br /> Commissioner Gordon referred to the OUTBOARD comments on the master plan, and <br /> asked if this board had some part in the continuing updating of the plan. <br /> David Stancil said the OUTBOARD made some good points, several of which are <br /> incorporated into the document. He said these are all items that are valid points but many are <br /> sub-plan level and can be incorporated at an operational level. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she thinks it is very important to go ahead with this master <br /> plan to give an overall set of guidelines. She said parts of it can be changed during the CIP <br /> process if priorities change. <br /> David Stancil recognized the staff inembers who helped with this plan. <br />