Orange County NC Website
Ephesus Fordham Renewal Potential Economic Development for Oranqe County <br /> • The Ephesus Fordham Renewal Planning incorporates consultant recommendations made in <br /> 2013 by Urban3, LLC which created a 3-D visualization map showing property tax <br /> revenue per acre throughout Orange County. The report's visualization tool showed <br /> where the County's property tax revenues are derived, where property values are <br /> highest, the link between higher density development and increased property tax <br /> generation, and the positive economic potential of redevelopment of mixed use <br /> projects. Higher density generally yields higher real estate market values and property <br /> taxes. <br /> • Urban3 LLC's study was jointly funded in a partnership between the Town of Chapel Hill, <br /> Orange County (Economic Development), the Chapel Hill/Carrboro Chamber of <br /> Commerce, area developers (East West Partners) and local real estate firms. <br /> Per Capita Income in North Carolina Orange County & Adjacent Counties —2012 (bar <br /> graph) <br /> Annual Retail Sales Tax Per Capita Orange County & Adjacent Counties —2012 (bar <br /> graph) <br /> Retail Sales Taxes Per Capita Orange County vs. Durham County—2012 (bar graph) <br /> Retail Sales Tax Leakage -2012 Orange County vs. Alamance & Chatham Counties (bar <br /> graph) <br /> Steve Brantley noted the significant leakage of retail sales tax. He said any retail <br /> development that occurs within Orange County, especially this close to Durham County's <br /> Patterson Place and New Hope Commons, is a plus in both job creation and retail sales tax. He <br /> said Orange County is highest in terms of per-capita income, but it is 81 St in retail sales tax per <br /> capita. <br /> He said the inventory of properties for commercial use in the County is very low. He <br /> said companies are not willing to wait for a property to be built for them in 2 or 3 years, so this <br /> business usually goes to Cary, Durham or Raleigh. He said any commercial buildings that go <br /> up in Orange County will provide the benefit of being able to pursue projects that cannot <br /> currently be pursued. <br /> Steve Brantley said new restaurants become a new destination that draws people in and <br /> generates other business. He said this project will also generate new housing and affordable <br /> housing, and it will also create hundreds of long term construction jobs, which would be a <br /> benefit for residents. <br /> Steve Brantley said he has asked Dwight Basset and the other associates with the town <br /> to find ways to work more closely to collaborate on recruitment for projects. He said that way <br /> the County has a more immediate and confidential insight into the prospects of projects on the <br />