Minutes 11-11-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 11-11-2014
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Last modified
11/24/2015 11:59:37 AM
Creation date
1/23/2015 4:40:31 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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- Economic Development analysis <br /> - Further analysis of the storm water management planning <br /> Chair Jacobs said to Bonnie Hammersley that the County has had this information since <br /> April, and the Board is disappointed in the lack of a thorough presentation from staff tonight. He <br /> hopes that this will be available in January. <br /> Maria Palmer thanked Steve Brantley for mentioning the word partnership. She said <br /> where Orange County goes, Chapel Hill goes and vice versa. She said Commissioner porosin <br /> mentioned that this is coming to the County a little late; however, she said none of this would be <br /> happening without form based code, and that was not a sure thing. She said the cost of doing <br /> nothing is a lost opportunity for both the County and the town. She said the County is bleeding <br /> people and the hole needs to be fixed. <br /> She said a $2 million piece of land has been put into affordable housing, and many <br /> residents have been waiting for years to live in decent housing. She said this is an exciting <br /> investment, and Chapel Hill believes in this project. <br /> Mayor Kleinschmidt said right now this district is failing economically. He said there are <br /> bright spots, but there are also failing strip malls, abandoned car dealerships, and roads that <br /> make no sense. He said took this project to a mayors conference in 2010, and that is when this <br /> began. He said there was a struggle to develop a vision and a small area plan, but nothing <br /> happened. He said two special use permits (SUP) for the vacant lot on Elliot Road, but it is still <br /> vacant. He said there is no infrastructure in place to support the economic development. He <br /> said analysis has shown that if you provide infrastructure, economic development will follow. <br /> Mayor Kleinschmidt said Rams Plaza has not filled space because no one can tell their <br /> customers how to get there, and developers cannot afford to make the necessary road changes <br /> and improvements. He said this is why the town began discussing ways to provide these <br /> improvements. He said storm water improvements are also necessary because there are no <br /> developers to make this happen. <br /> Mayor Kleinschmidt said two months after the re-zoning was approved, the first project <br /> came in, and it will provide tens of millions of dollars of investment. He said now that one <br /> project is on board others are following. He said the revenue is going to come to the County <br /> and the town; and in the worst case, if it does not create revenue, the County will not have to <br /> participate. He said long ago the town developed a debt management fund that produces more <br /> money than is owed in debt, and this is the plan B that Commissioner Price asked about. <br /> Mayor Kleinschmidt said there are some myths out there that he would like to take off of <br /> the table. He said this district is going to have the highest standards for storm water in the <br /> state, because the code requires it. <br /> He said the flooding issues are being addressed. He said staff has pulled back and <br /> looked at the entire storm water basin. He said investments are being made in the whole <br /> upstream to manage the water as it comes downhill. <br /> Mayor Kleinschmidt said there is an unmatched commitment to affordable housing in this <br /> district, and 300 of the 1400 units will be affordable housing. He said an incentive program is <br /> also being created for private developers to provide affordable housing. <br /> Mayor Kleinschmidt said the County and the towns are in a new place when it comes to <br /> economic development, and all of the government entities are working together to share the <br /> goals of the economic development. He said this tide has the potential to raise their boats pretty <br /> high. <br /> Mayor Kleinschmidt said when the Orange County staff brings back the answers to the <br /> Board of County Commissioners' questions, he hopes that the Board will decide to participate. <br /> He said what is good for Orange County is good for Chapel Hill. <br />
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