Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Gordon said she is not sure Chair Jacobs got all of the major points. She <br /> said she wants to make sure to look through the minutes to capture all of these. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if there were any members of the public who would like to speak. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Rich to: <br /> Receive the information contained in this abstract and attachments; and <br /> Close the public hearing. (This is being recommended because the proposed text <br /> amendments are expected to be heard again at a future Quarterly Public Hearing, so there is <br /> no need to adjourn the public hearing to a date/time certain. Closure of the hearing is <br /> necessary to ensure the text amendment is not considered a withdrawal, which requires a <br /> yearlong waiting period before amendments on the same topic can be considered again.) <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> d. North Carolina Community Transportation Proqram Administrative and Capital <br /> Grant Applications for FY 2016 <br /> The Board conducted an annual public hearing on the North Carolina Community <br /> Transportation Program (CTP) grant application by Orange Public Transportation (OPT) for FY <br /> 2016 and considered approving the grant application that includes adopting a resolution <br /> authorizing the applicant to enter into an agreement with the North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation (NCDOT), authorized the County Attorney to review and complete the <br /> necessary certifications and assurances, and authorized the Chair to sign. <br /> Peter Murphy reviewed the following background information from the abstract: <br /> BACKGROUND: Each year, the NCDOT Public Transportation Division accepts requests for <br /> administrative and capital needs for county-operated community transportation programs. OPT <br /> is eligible to make application for both administrative and capital funding. <br /> The current year FY 2015-approved application includes $185,604 in administrative funding <br /> and $482,489 in capital funding for replacement vehicles with total expenses equaling <br /> $668,093. <br /> The total CTP funding request for FY 2016 is $166,765 for community transportation <br /> administrative expenses and an additional $232,286 for capital expenses. This draft grant <br /> application is made for expenses totaling $399,051. <br /> Grant funds for administrative purposes will continue to be used to support overall transit <br /> systems management and operations and will continue to promote general ridership. Grant <br /> funds for capital items include the replacement of three (3) buses exceeding their useful life <br /> mileage thresholds in OPT's fleet. A public hearing (Attachment 3) is requested with the <br /> opportunity for public discussion and comment before the Board takes action on the resolution <br /> (Attachment 1). The acceptance of these grant funds requires compliance with the annual <br /> certifications and assurances, for which the signature pages are attached (Attachment 2). The <br /> attached signature pages are for the certifications and assurances for FY 2014. The FY 2016 <br /> certifications and assurances signature pages are very similar to those for FY 2014; however, <br /> the County has not yet received them from NCDOT. When received, they will be forwarded to <br /> the County Attorney and Chair for review and signatures. <br />