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15 <br /> Section 8 • Conclusions and Recommendations <br /> that improvements implemented in the City's system by the time build-out were to occur may address <br /> the minor deficiencies.Therefore,no additional water distribution infrastructure is recommended. <br /> The only municipal wastewater infrastructure within the Eno EDD is a small pump station near the <br /> eastern most boundary of the project area that conveys a small amount of flow to the City. Therefore, <br /> a wastewater collection and conveyance system backbone is required within the Eno EDD. <br /> Recommended collection system infrastructure and associated conceptual opinions of probable cost <br /> were developed for the Low and High wastewater flow scenarios.Tables 8-2 and 8-3 present the <br /> recommended infrastructure and associated cast for the Low and High flow scenarios,respectively. <br /> In order to construct the recommended infrastructure,a number of regulatory permits will be <br /> required.In an effort to minimize environmental impacts and associated permitting efforts,trenchless <br /> construction methodologies were assumed for stream and roadway crossings.The potential need for <br /> an EA/EIS could be required as a result of the amount of infrastructure included in the project,but is <br /> not a certainty.If the gravity sewer and force main proposed to parallel US Hwy 70 cannot be installed <br /> within the NCDOT road ROW,the need for an alternative alignment and/or easement acquisition <br /> could be required,which would lengthen the project schedule and impact project cost.This would <br /> need to be addressed early in the design phase to minimize impacts. <br /> 8.2 Cast Reduction Options <br /> It is recognized that the costs presented in either Table 8-2 or Table¢-3 would be a significant <br /> investment for the County and that immediately funding the project in its entirety will be a challenge. <br /> Therefore,the following options to potentially reduce project cost aqd/or phase the improvements <br /> were identified and are presented below. <br /> Construct only the pump station and force main.Collection system infrastructure could be ; <br /> constructed by developers on an as-needed basis,or by the Cofmty if additional funding <br /> becomes available, <br /> ® Construct the pump station,force main,and only the most critical collection system <br /> infrastructure.The collection system piping recommended for this option includes gravity pipes <br /> 2,4,and 6,as identified on Figure 6-1.Constructing these gravity pipes would prevent <br /> developers from having to impact Rhodes Creek and US Hwy 70,both of which will have. q <br /> permitting challenges. ' <br /> Construct the force main from the proposed pump station to a manhole in the City's wastewater 1 <br /> collection system near the Eno EDD boundary,as opposed to qll Xhe way to the r(.§commended <br /> location in the South Durham Basin,d6scribed in Section 5.This Option would teinporarily ' <br /> reduce the amount of force main and gravity sewer pipe by approximately 11,000 feet.It is <br /> expected that this alternative discharge point will onlyha-�e sufficient capacity td receive <br /> wastewater flows in the near-term,and that the additional for�e main would be needed in the <br /> future.The force main and pump station would still be degigndd to handle future flows so that <br /> when the discharge point into the City's wastewater system noeds to be relocated tt)the <br /> recommended location in the South Dtirhatn Basin,the existing force mAin would only have to <br /> be extended(i.e.not upgraded).Additional modeling and dingioeoring eyaluation will be <br /> required to determine where and how much wastewater flow ca-ti be discharged to the <br /> alternative location in the City's system. <br /> 8-2 I M"Ith <br />