Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />BALANCE SHEET - MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS (UNAUDITED) <br />September 30, 2014 <br />Assets: <br />Cash and investments <br />Accounts receivable, <br />property taxes, net <br />Accounts receivable, federal <br />Accounts receivable, State <br />Accounts receivable, other <br />Inventories <br />Due from other funds <br />Restricted cash and investments <br />Total assets <br />Liabilities, Deferred Inflows of <br />Resources, and Fund Balance: <br />Liabilities: <br />Accounts payable <br />Accrued payroll and withholdings <br />Accrued liabilities <br />Due to other funds <br />Arbitrage payable <br />Total liabilities <br />$ 151,193,854 $ 9,867,381 $ 5,983,381 $ 167,044,616 <br />$ 1,143,198 $ <br />518,833 <br />282,127 <br />495,332 <br />2,439,490 <br />88,762 $ $ 1,231,960 <br />34 518,867 <br />- 282,127 <br />- 495,332 <br />14,637 24,739 39,376 <br />103,433 24,739 2,567,662 <br />Deferred Inflows of Resources: <br />Unavailable grant revenue 466,925 466,925 <br />Property taxes receivable 119,179,557 119,179,557 <br />Prepaid taxes - - <br />Total Deferred inflows of resources 119,646,482 119,646,482 <br />Fund Balances: <br />Non - spendable: <br />Prepaid items <br />Inventories <br />Restricted for: <br />Stabilization for State statute <br />Restricted, all other <br />Committed <br />Assigned <br />Unassigned <br />Total fund balances <br />Total liabilities, deferred inflows of <br />resources, and fund balances <br />29,242 29,242 <br />9,763,948 5,958,642 15,722,590 <br />10,068,343 10,068,343 <br />19,010,297 19,010,297 <br />29,107,882 9,763,948 5,958,642 44,830,472 <br />$ 151,193,854 $ 9,867,381 $ 5,983,381 $ 167,044,616 <br />9 <br />Exhibit 1 <br />Major Funds <br />Total <br />County <br />School <br />Major <br />Capital <br />Capital <br />Governmental <br />General <br />Improvements <br />Improvements <br />Funds <br />$ 30,472,258 <br />$ <br />$ <br />$ 30,472,258 <br />119,179,557 <br />119,179,557 <br />1,349,460 <br />1,349,460 <br />29,242 <br />29,242 <br />163,337 <br />163,337 <br />- <br />9,867,381 <br />5,983,381 <br />15,850,762 <br />$ 151,193,854 $ 9,867,381 $ 5,983,381 $ 167,044,616 <br />$ 1,143,198 $ <br />518,833 <br />282,127 <br />495,332 <br />2,439,490 <br />88,762 $ $ 1,231,960 <br />34 518,867 <br />- 282,127 <br />- 495,332 <br />14,637 24,739 39,376 <br />103,433 24,739 2,567,662 <br />Deferred Inflows of Resources: <br />Unavailable grant revenue 466,925 466,925 <br />Property taxes receivable 119,179,557 119,179,557 <br />Prepaid taxes - - <br />Total Deferred inflows of resources 119,646,482 119,646,482 <br />Fund Balances: <br />Non - spendable: <br />Prepaid items <br />Inventories <br />Restricted for: <br />Stabilization for State statute <br />Restricted, all other <br />Committed <br />Assigned <br />Unassigned <br />Total fund balances <br />Total liabilities, deferred inflows of <br />resources, and fund balances <br />29,242 29,242 <br />9,763,948 5,958,642 15,722,590 <br />10,068,343 10,068,343 <br />19,010,297 19,010,297 <br />29,107,882 9,763,948 5,958,642 44,830,472 <br />$ 151,193,854 $ 9,867,381 $ 5,983,381 $ 167,044,616 <br />9 <br />Exhibit 1 <br />