Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Exhibit 2 <br />ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND <br />CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS (UNAUDITED) <br />FOR QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 <br />Expenditures: <br />Current: <br />Governing and management <br />4,092,920 - <br />Major Funds <br />Total <br />2,405,782 - <br />- 2,405,782 <br />County School <br />Major <br />- 1,732,648 <br />Human services <br />Capital Capital <br />Governmental <br />Education <br />General <br />Improvements Improvements <br />Funds <br />Revenues: <br />- 4,686,409 <br />Culture and recreation <br />779,639 - <br />Property taxes <br />$ 17,914,968 <br />$ - $ - <br />$ 17,914,968 <br />Sales tax <br />- <br />- - <br />- <br />Intergovernmental revenues <br />3,462,090 <br />- - <br />3,462,090 <br />Charges for services <br />2,130,009 <br />5,321 - <br />2,135,330 <br />Investment earnings <br />- <br />795 - <br />795 <br />Licenses and permits <br />342 <br />- - <br />342 <br />Miscellaneous <br />243,773 <br />- - <br />243,773 <br />Total revenues <br />23,751,182 <br />6,116 - <br />23,757,298 <br />Expenditures: <br />Current: <br />Governing and management <br />4,092,920 - <br />- 4,092,920 <br />General services <br />2,405,782 - <br />- 2,405,782 <br />Community and environment <br />1,732,648 - <br />- 1,732,648 <br />Human services <br />8,296,214 - <br />- 8,296,214 <br />Education <br />18,964,854 - <br />- 18,964,854 <br />Public safety <br />4,686,409 - <br />- 4,686,409 <br />Culture and recreation <br />779,639 - <br />- 779,639 <br />Capital outlay <br />- 2,879,310 <br />1,130,816 4,010,126 <br />Debt service: <br />- <br />Principal <br />5,344,807 - <br />- 5,344,807 <br />Interest and fees <br />2,915,317 - <br />- 2,915,317 <br />Total expenditures <br />49,218,590 2,879,310 <br />1,130,816 53,228,716 <br />Revenues over (under) expenditures <br />(25,467,408) (2,873,194) <br />(1,130,816) (29,471,418) <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses): <br />Bond premium - - - - <br />Ref ending bonds - - - - <br />Installment loan issuances - - - - <br />Payment to escrow agent - - - - <br />Transfers in - - - - <br />Transfers out - - - - <br />Total other financing sources (uses) - - - - <br />Net change in fund balances (25,467,408) (2,873,194) (1,130,816) (29,471,418) <br />Fund Balances: <br />Beginning of year - July 1 54,575,290 12,637,142 7,089,458 74,301,890 <br />Six Months Ended - December 31 $ 29,107,882 $ 9,763,948 $ 5,958,642 $ 44,830,472 <br />