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2 <br />amendment provides for the receipt of these additional revenues. (See Attachment1, <br />column 2) <br />Solid Waste Enterprise Fund <br />3.At its December 9, 2014 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved the <br />purchase of 7,600 rural recycling roll cartsat $58.44 per cart, for a total cost of $444,144. <br />Included in the Solid Waste Fund’s FY2014-15 Approved Budgetwas the purchase of <br />7,000 roll carts at $54.00 per cart, for a total cost of $378,000. The purchase of the <br />additional 600 roll carts was based on survey responses received as of December 9, <br />2014 fromthe rural program service area residents. This budget amendment provides <br />for an additional $66,144, which includes the additional roll carts, as well as the increase <br />in the per cart cost, to be borrowed from the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund reserve over a <br />five year period at a 2.5% interest rate. (See Attachment 1, column 3) <br />Human Services Non-Departmental – Technical Amendment <br />4.At its December 9, 2014 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved a <br />$350,000 appropriation from the Social Justice Reserve Fund to the Department of Social <br />Services to serve children needing child care subsidy in FY 2014-15. With this <br />appropriation, $100,000 remains available in the Social Justice Reserve Fund for FY <br />2014-15. This technical amendment provides for the transfer of the $350,000 from the <br />Social Justice Reserve Fund to the Department of Social Services for the above stated <br />purpose. (See Attachment 1, column 4) <br />Department of Social Services <br />5.The Department of Social Services has received additional revenues for the following <br />programs: <br />Child Day Care – <br />receipt of the third quarter payment of $1,264,241to provide <br /> <br />childcare services and subsidies to low-income families. <br />Smart Start Enhancement Program – <br />receipt of a thirdquarter payment of <br />$306,000 for Smart Start Subsidized Child Care program administration. The <br />department will pay program funds directly to childcare providers. <br />This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these additional funds. (See <br />Attachment 1, column 5) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: <br />Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): <br /> TheManager recommends the Boardapprove budgetordinance <br />amendmentsforfiscal year 2014-15. <br /> <br />