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I testimony coming in could be stopped to allow for a decision based on a finite amount of <br />2 information. He said the new suggestion is to have a legislative procedure that can be wide <br />3 open the whole time. He said for the quasi - judicial items, there will probably be some point in <br />4 time where that testimony has to stop. <br />5 Commissioner Pelissier said overall there are a lot of good things in the proposed new <br />6 process, but she is confused about the lack of increase in the frequency of the quarterly public <br />7 hearings. She said this would not accomplish the goal of speeding the process for applications <br />8 that are "no brainers." <br />9 Perdita Holtz said there were concerns expressed by the Board of County <br />10 Commissioners about the possibility of putting quarterly public hearings on regular agendas. <br />11 She said the current suggestion is to try this new process prior to taking that next step. <br />12 Commissioner Pelissier asked if the UDO would have to be changed in order to change <br />13 the process. <br />14 Perdita Holtz said yes. <br />15 Commissioner Pelissier said the recommendation to close the public hearing tonight <br />16 does not preclude the Board from taking some action based on what has already been heard <br />17 and discussed; but it is an iterative process, and there would need to be another public hearing <br />18 in order to make changes other than what has been discussed. <br />19 Perdita Holtz said one of the more substantive changes that would require a second <br />20 public hearing was removing the proposed language about having up to 8 public hearings per <br />21 year. She said if the Commissioners still want to pursue this, then perhaps there would not be <br />22 a need for a second public hearing. <br />23 Commissioner Rich asked if an additional meeting is being added after the notifications <br />24 go out and the Planning Board meeting is held. <br />25 Perdita Holtz said it is just another opportunity for the public to comment to the Planning <br />26 Board. <br />27 Perdita Holtz said one of the items in the 5th box on the flowchart talks about the fact <br />28 that the Planning Board action could be to make a recommendation or to make a preliminary <br />29 recommendation and ask the Board of Commissioners to send it back to the Planning Board if <br />30 anything significant happens. <br />31 Commissioner Rich said she wonders if that is actually speeding things up, or if it is just <br />32 adding another repetitive step. <br />33 Perdita Holtz said it could add a step to more controversial items where it may be sent <br />34 back to the Planning Board. She said it is really just flipping when the Planning Board meeting <br />35 occurs. She said, with this proposal there would be no Planning Board meeting after the public <br />36 hearing for many legislative items. She said for more complicated issues, this would add <br />37 another opportunity for the public to comment. <br />38 Commissioner Rich said if this process is adopted, it is important to make these <br />39 changes clear to the public in order to have as much involvement as possible. <br />40 Commissioner Gordon said she wanted to add a historical note about the legal <br />41 advertisement. She there was a case where the Board was sued over a deficient legal <br />42 advertisement. She said this may be why the Board of County Commissioners reviews the ad, <br />43 and she likes the way this process is done now. <br />44 Commissioner Gordon said she wanted to make sure that all property is being posted, <br />45 and people are being notified by certified mail. <br />46 Perdita Holtz said this is not going away. She said the requirement for certified mail is <br />47 only for developer initiated applications. <br />48 Commissioner Gordon said there used to be more development applications. The <br />49 economy may be the reason there are currently not as many development applications and <br />50 therefore relatively fewer quasi- judicial public hearings. <br />