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M <br />1 Chair Jacobs said the Board would advertise the public hearing, and if significant <br />2 changes are being made, there would be extraordinary efforts to make sure the public is aware <br />3 of what is being proposed. <br />4 Commissioner Rich said that is her point - that there may need to be more effort made <br />5 to put the information out there about these changes. <br />6 Commissioner Gordon said if this is changed, it is important to make sure the public has <br />7 as much opportunity to comment as possible. She recommends that no conclusion should be <br />8 made at the end of a regular public hearing, because this was often the first time that issues <br />9 are articulated. <br />10 She said that to her it does not seem helpful to distinguish between quasi - judicial <br />11 special use permit hearings and the legislative hearings if that means re- zonings do not have <br />12 enough time. She agrees that it takes longer for a special use permit if you are going to try to <br />13 get expert testimony. She would like to make sure that there will be plenty of time for re- <br />14 zonings, especially for hearings involving conditional zoning districts since they involve a <br />15 relatively new process. <br />16 Commissioner Gordon said she was interested to see that there was no <br />17 recommendation to increase the number of hearings, and If there were to be an increase, she <br />18 thinks seven meetings would work. <br />19 Commissioner Gordon said the main point is that the public needs more time to <br />20 comment than just a few days. She likes the idea of posting information when an application <br />21 comes in that meets the ordinance requirements. <br />22 She said she wonders about the issue of not requiring the Planning Board to attend the <br />23 public hearings. She values the input of the Planning Board, and they offer public perspective <br />24 as well as expertise. <br />25 Commissioner Gordon said this is a process that can be tweaked, as long as the basics, <br />26 such as making sure the public has sufficient time for providing input, are in place. She said <br />27 the public hearing is when the information needs to come out, and this needs to be followed by <br />28 some time to think about the issues before voting. <br />29 Commissioner Price said she is a little confused on this process. She said this will not <br />30 be resolved until sometime in 2015, and there is no mechanism right now to assure when and <br />31 how the public will be involved. <br />32 Bonnie Hammersley said she has attended the last two Planning Board meetings, and <br />33 she intends to be involved in this process. She said when this comes forward she will make <br />34 sure everyone is informed about this process. She said if it is the will of the Board, this will be <br />35 well advertised if it goes forward. She said this hearing is being closed because of the <br />36 anticipation of significant changes that will require future public input. <br />37 Commissioner Price echoed what Commissioner Gordon said. She feels the Planning <br />38 Board should be a part of the public hearings. <br />39 Commissioner Dorosin said he had some questions about the flow chart. He said the <br />40 current process is that a public hearing is held, and the public speaks; then the Planning Board <br />41 is sent away and instructed to come back with a recommendation; then the public does not <br />42 have an opportunity to comment on the Planning Board's comments; then there is possibly <br />43 another meeting for this to come back to the Board of County Commissioners. He said this <br />44 seems problematic, and this was the concern he originally expressed. <br />45 Commissioner Dorosin said it appears that the flow chart has addressed his concerns <br />46 about this structure for legislative items. <br />47 He read through the flow chart as shown on page 18 of the abstract. He said the idea of <br />48 this is not to eliminate the public input at all, but it is to make the process more equitable and <br />49 streamlined. He said one of the changes is that as soon as an application comes in, there will <br />50 be some sort of public notification or report. <br />