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il <br />1 Commissioner Dorosin said he will vote against this amendment. He said, in looking at <br />2 the maps, it is clear that there are areas immediate adjacent to these parcels that are <br />3 residential neighborhoods that could not be described as agricultural residential. He said it <br />4 seems to him that there is an opportunity to be more precise and adopt a more gradual <br />5 approach that encourages more residential use in some of those areas, while encouraging <br />6 agricultural use in others. <br />7 <br />8 VOTE: 6-1 (Commissioner Dorosin) <br />9 <br />10 b. Zoning Atlas Amendment — Related to Town of Hillsborough Extraterritorial <br />11 Jurisdiction (ETJ) Relinquishment (No Additional Comment Accepted) <br />12 The Board considered a decision on a County initiated amendment to the Zoning Atlas <br />13 affecting approximately 500 -acres located generally near the Eno River between US 70 W and <br />14 1- 85/1 -40 in Cheeks and Hillsborough Townships. This amendment assigns County zoning to <br />15 properties that are to be removed from the Town of Hillsborough Extraterritorial Jurisdiction <br />16 (ETJ), which is to become effective October 1, 2014. <br />17 Tom Altieri presented a map of the area, as well as the following PowerPoint slides: <br />18 Purpose <br />19 • To make a recommendation on a County initiated amendment to the Zoning Atlas. <br />20 • This item is companion to the previous Action Agenda Item, "2030 Comprehensive Plan <br />21 Future Land Use Map Amendment." <br />22 • This amendment assigns County zoning districts to properties that have been removed <br />23 from the Town of Hillsborough Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). <br />24 • Affects approximately 500 -acres (22- parcels) located generally near the Eno River <br />25 between US 70 W and 1- 85/1 -40 in Cheeks and Hillsborough Townships. <br />26 <br />27 September 8th Public Hearing <br />28 • No members of the public spoke. <br />29 • The BOCC had primarily two questions: <br />30 1) Why is staff recommending Agricultural Residential (AR) versus Rural Residential (R- <br />31 1)? <br />32 ■ For consistency with the zoning districts applied in general area (Attachment 2, <br />33 Zoning Map Hillsborough surrounds). <br />34 ■ The permitted Agricultural Uses and minimum lot width standard (150 -ft) associated <br />35 with AR are more compatible with existing land uses and character of the area <br />36 (Attachment 3, Tables). <br />37 2) What would happen if a development application was submitted between effective date <br />38 of ETJ relinquishment (Oct. 1) and application of County zoning /future land use (Nov. <br />39 6)? <br />40 Per State law, the Town's regulations remain in effect for 60 -days (Dec. 1) or until <br />41 County action. <br />42 <br />43 Planning Board Recommendation <br />44 • Considered at is October 8, 2014 meeting. <br />45 • Reviewed the differences between Rural Residential (R -1) and Agricultural Residential <br />46 (AR) and consistency with County plans. <br />47 • Recommended unanimously that the BOCC approve the amendment as presented at <br />48 public hearing (Attachment 4, Draft PB Minutes). <br />49 <br />50 Consistency Statement <br />