Agenda - 01-22-2015 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-22-2015 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 01-22-2015 - 6a
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Last modified
5/29/2015 12:23:11 PM
Creation date
1/16/2015 3:00:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 01-22-2015
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13 <br />1 -- Youth Employment and Training Program (Building Futures Program) — This is targeted to <br />2 residents aged 16 -21, and it provides various means of educational support. 113 individuals <br />3 have been served with this program. <br />4 -- Job Fairs — Program provides job fairs to individual in the Work First program, as well as any <br />5 unemployed or underemployed individuals in the County. This has served over 600 <br />6 individuals. <br />7 -- Partnerships with local employment agencies <br />8 -- Partnership with Access Wireless - This agency provides federal cell phones for low income <br />9 individuals. 1500 phones have been distributed. <br />10 <br />11 Chair Jacobs said Southern Season has worked Work First clients in the past. He asked if this <br />12 is still in place. <br />13 Sharron Hinton said that is not in place at this time. <br />14 <br />15 Nancy Coston she also comes tonight to get feedback on the childcare situation. She <br />16 said this is a very complicated picture with moving parts. She said one thing staff did not know <br />17 about was that the rebasing from the census was going to cause an enormous cut. She said <br />18 the County gave them $500,000 to help with the waiting list for working families, and this was <br />19 exciting. She said the cut from the rebasing was $700,000, which was very discouraging. She <br />20 said some of the rules and regulations affect the families very negatively. She said the updates <br />21 on this are listed in the charts she has provided. <br />22 Nancy Coston said, with what is proposed and considering the cut, they will be about <br />23 $100,000 short without taking anyone off of the waiting list. She said the department would be <br />24 able to continue to serve the target groups, which includes Work First, adolescent parents, <br />25 homeless children, and some of the welfare cases. She said these are not subjected to the <br />26 waiting list. She said, after this list, you begin to look at where the funds can be used. She said <br />27 one group that was hurt significantly were the families with children aged 6 -18, who lost their <br />28 eligibility. She said County money was used to give these residents 3 month notice until this <br />29 could come before the Board. She said she has put the amount in to show what it would cost to <br />30 keep doing the rolling 3 months. <br />31 Nancy Coston said the market rate increase for providers is a requirement, and it will <br />32 cost $150,000 - $200,000. <br />33 She said staff is very concerned about the relative child care and what affect that might <br />34 have on the child welfare program. She said when a child's relative is asked to consider taking <br />35 care of a child in lieu of placing a child in foster care DSS pays the childcare with no fee to <br />36 them. She said the new law counts their income starting in January. <br />37 Nancy Coston said the bottom line is that the department may be able to make it to May <br />38 with the money the County has already provided, but this is dependent on what is gotten in <br />39 reallocation. She said she is looking for direction on where the County money should be spent, <br />40 and it seems impractical to think that they can pick up everything that has been dropped. <br />41 Commissioner Gordon said the chart was helpful. She asked for clarification on the <br />42 issue with relative childcare. She asked if a relative's income is included when they receive <br />43 childcare money. <br />44 Nancy Coston said the statute affects step parents and other relatives, including aunts, <br />45 uncles, and grandparents. She said everyone pays the same rates now, and it is a percentage <br />46 of your gross income. She said if a relative were asked to take care of a child, 10 percent of <br />47 their income must go toward childcare, regardless of the actual cost of the childcare. She said <br />48 the concern is that relatives are going to be unable to afford to pay the childcare to keep the <br />49 child in the home. <br />50 Commissioner Dorosin asked about the 3 month rolling cost being paid to families of <br />51 children aged 6 -18. He asked where this money goes. <br />
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