Agenda - 01-22-2015 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-22-2015 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 01-22-2015 - 6a
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Last modified
5/29/2015 12:23:11 PM
Creation date
1/16/2015 3:00:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 01-22-2015
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12 <br />1 Mayor Kleinschmidt said when the Orange County staff brings back the answers to the <br />2 Board of County Commissioners' questions, he hopes that the Board will decide to participate. <br />3 He said what is good for Orange County is good for Chapel Hill. <br />4 Chair Jacobs expressed his appreciation for the town being here and including the <br />5 County in this discussion. He said the town and the County are inextricably intertwined and <br />6 have the same goals and aspirations. He hopes that they can make this work. <br />7 Commissioner Gordon expressed her thanks to the Mayor and two members of the <br />8 Chapel Hill Town Council for coming here to share their vision. She said it has been a new day <br />9 in Orange County for collaboration in many areas. <br />10 Mayor Kleinschmidt thanked the Board members, as well as some retired <br />11 Commissioners for their efforts to work together. <br />12 Commissioner Gordon said she feels that we are all in a good place and the <br />13 partnerships are all strong. <br />14 Commissioner McKee said this project has some definite benefits, and it can be a tool to <br />15 help move Orange County out of the 81St position for retail sales. He said the County cannot <br />16 remain in that low position and expect not to continue increasing tax on residential properties, <br />17 which is not sustainable. <br />18 Commissioner McKee said he questions a few of the numbers, and he had hoped to <br />19 have some financial information tonight to help clarify some issues for him. He said he would <br />20 like to see information from staff on the potential with regard to the commercial and retail <br />21 development when this comes back in January. He said there needs to be some sort of <br />22 business that will generate a significant amount of retail sales. <br />23 Commissioner McKee said he would like to see all of the costs associated with the <br />24 residential development, including the impact of additional housing, additional retail, and how it <br />25 impacts our social services. He would like to know the pros and cons on whether this will create <br />26 a cascading effect of other projects coming to them. <br />27 Commissioner McKee said no county in this state is in the road business. He said this <br />28 project involves a considerable amount of expenditure for road improvements. He questioned <br />29 whether involvement in the project would put the County in the road business. He would to see <br />30 some strong financial analysis from the Orange County staff. <br />31 Commissioner Dorosin said this project is focusing analytically on the idea that <br />32 development of any kind has to not only pay for itself, but also be a net gain. He said this is a <br />33 dangerous way to look at the future of the County, as it will effectively eliminate projects like <br />34 meaningful affordable housing. He said this comment is not aimed at this project in particular, <br />35 but it is a comment about the way the Board needs to think about growth and whether the tax <br />36 revenue always has to offset the cost. <br />37 Commissioner Pelissier she would like to see a breakdown of the different values for <br />38 residential and commercial developments. <br />39 <br />40 3. Update on Employment and Child Care Programs Operating at Social Services <br />41 Nancy Coston said this is a discussion of employment and childcare. She said she <br />42 would like to start by sharing some successes. <br />43 Sharron Hinton reviewed the following new and successful employment programs at the <br />44 Department of Social Services: <br />45 <br />46 -- NC Food and Nutrition Services Employment and Training program. - This is a volunteer <br />47 program for low income residents who recently began receiving food stamps, and it provides <br />48 job support and employment training services. <br />49 -- Job Club — This has provided help to 92 individuals who have received employment through <br />50 this program in the past 12 months. <br />
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