Agenda - 01-22-2015 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-22-2015 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 01-22-2015 - 6a
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Last modified
5/29/2015 12:23:11 PM
Creation date
1/16/2015 3:00:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 01-22-2015
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7 <br />1 portion of the increment would be less than 50 percent of the debt service, and the town would <br />2 make up the difference. <br />3 Commissioner Dorosin said Ken Pennoyer referred to another format this funding path <br />4 could have taken. He said he feels like this has come to the Board much later than it should <br />5 have, and that is the one troubling aspect. He asked for clarification on this timing. <br />6 Ken Pennoyer said the financing of this public project lagged behind some of the other <br />7 elements, and by the time staff began trying to figure out financing, there were not a lot of <br />8 options. He said they finally arrived at the tax increment financing (TIF) with the statutory <br />9 method. He said until the flood at Town Hall last year, there was no project to be combined to <br />10 provide collateral. He said the formal TIF has a lot more formal requirements, including a vote <br />11 from the Board, so staff held out on this and did not get the ball rolling until later when they <br />12 realized the town hall could be used as collateral. He said staff also had to get through several <br />13 other loopholes before spending time on financing. He said, in hindsight, this should have been <br />14 done sooner. <br />15 Commissioner Price said this project is exciting; however she wants to consider the <br />16 worst case scenario. She said years from now there will be a different Board in place, and she <br />17 wonders what plan B will be if that Board did not want to fund this project. <br />18 Ken Pennoyer said the Town is committed to the project, and the backup plan would be <br />19 to use future debt capacity to fill in the gaps. He said the numbers used to determine the <br />20 revenue numbers are very conservative, so he feels there is a greater upside to the project. <br />21 Commissioner Price asked who would be renting these properties. She asked if this <br />22 would put any new pressure or weight on social services or the health department if there is an <br />23 influx of new people. <br />24 Ken Pennoyer said the town did get information from the developer on the targeted <br />25 market for these units. He said this information can be provided to the Board. <br />26 Commissioner Rich asked for more information on other economic development in this <br />27 area. <br />28 Dwight Bassett said this process was started back in the spring, and the projections <br />29 were very conservative based on what he sees happening now. <br />30 Commissioner Rich asked if the future projections include more retail, office and <br />31 commercial space. <br />32 Dwight Bassett said yes. He said staff knew there would be an initial wave of housing, <br />33 which is a traditional growth pattern in supporting retail. He said Village Plaza's announcement <br />34 to proceed with their project has sent a signal to other developers to begin exploring office and <br />35 retail. He said there is a much broader mix of development being discussed now that there was <br />36 in the spring. <br />37 Chair Jacobs said the opportunity to have annual reports is an improvement. He said <br />38 County staff may want to request that specific information be built into these reports. <br />39 Chair Jacobs said the Town is requesting that the Board address the entire <br />40 infrastructure, but Orange County can choose whatever portion of the project they would like to <br />41 support. <br />42 Ken Pennoyer said that is correct, although the town would like for the County to <br />43 participate to the greatest extent that is comfortable for them. <br />
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