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2 <br />1 Commissioner Price asked if the people collecting the garbage are instructed not to get <br />2 out of the truck or move the bins. <br />3 Gayle Wilson said the program is supposed to be fully automated, and workers are <br />4 instructed to minimize the amount of time in and out of the truck. <br />5 Commissioner Price asked if the County workers are allowed to get out and straighten <br />6 the bins. <br />7 Gayle Wilson said yes. He said 45 damaged bins out of 18,200 bins is not a major <br />8 problem, but workers will straighten them out as needed. <br />9 Commissioner Gordon said she is happy to hear about the increased tonnage. She <br />10 asked when an update will be given on the rural areas, regarding keeping bins or moving to the <br />11 roll carts. <br />12 Gayle Wilson said two surveys were sent out to residents in the rural service areas, and <br />13 7,500 responses have been returned. He said 6,841 of these respondents wanted the roll carts, <br />14 and about 700 did not. He expects to see the positive number grow. He said this is an opt -in <br />15 program. <br />16 Chair Jacobs asked what happens if people decorate their carts. <br />17 Gayle Wilson said staff would prefer that residents not make any permanent alterations <br />18 to the carts. <br />19 Commissioner Dorosin asked for clarification on the proper placement of carts. <br />20 Gayle Wilson said the preference is that the carts are not in the street, but that they are <br />21 placed on the sidewalk or grass curb area. <br />22 <br />23 2. Update on the Ephesus Church Road / Fordham Boulevard Public Improvements <br />24 and Request for County Investment in the Project <br />25 Ken Pennoyer said it has been six months since the Town asked Chapel Hill for <br />26 assistance, and this is an update as well as a suggestion of a somewhat different approach. He <br />27 said the Town Council approved the right of way and easement acquisition, or phase 1 of the <br />28 roadway improvements. He said the Town has also received its first development application, <br />29 for Village Plaza apartments. <br />30 He reviewed the following PowerPoint slides: <br />31 <br />32 Ephesus Fordham Renewal Financing Plan <br />33 <br />34 Redevelopment will enable self - financing of public improvements by using a "Synthetic" <br />35 Tax Increment Financing. <br />36 <br />37 The Town is planning an installment financing to pay for $10 million of Ephesus Fordham <br />38 public improvements by combining financing with the Town Hall Renovation Project <br />39 <br />40 Synthetic Tax Increment Financing <br />41 Funds for repayment of the debt will come from the additional (incremental) taxes generated <br />42 from the redeveloped properties <br />43 Total Annual Payments would be about $800,000 (20 years) <br />44 <br />45 Expected Development (Bar Graph) <br />46 2.2 Million Sq. Ft. & $260 Million Value <br />47 <br />48 20 Year Cost Benefit Comparison (Graph) <br />49 Cumulative Debt Service & Town Property Tax Increment <br />50 <br />51 Major Revenues Schools & County (Chart) <br />