Agenda - 01-22-2015 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-22-2015 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 01-22-2015 - 6a
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Last modified
5/29/2015 12:23:11 PM
Creation date
1/16/2015 3:00:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 01-22-2015
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10 <br />1 Commissioner Rich agreed with Commissioner Pelissier. She said there are some <br />2 public hearings that can be added to agenda items. She would like to leave this option open. <br />3 Chair Jacobs summarized that there had been comments and concerns regarding the <br />4 following items: <br />5 - Timing of public hearings <br />6 - Provision of advanced notice of public hearings <br />7 - Capturing public comments <br />8 - Number of public hearings <br />9 - Rendering of decisions subsequent to public hearings <br />10 - Advertisement comments from Board of County Commissioners <br />11 <br />12 Chair Jacobs said Commissioner Gordon made good points about giving notice and <br />13 having a deliberate process. He said there needs to be more discussion about time between <br />14 public hearings and rendering a decision. <br />15 Chair Jacobs said Commissioner Dorosin made some good points about the public <br />16 engagement and the improvement in this. He referred to the final blue box in the flow chart and <br />17 said this reminds him of the concept plans that are sent to the Planning Board for preliminary <br />18 analysis and report. He said the Planning Board sends this report back to the Commissioners, <br />19 and then if it is straightforward there is no need to send it back to the Planning Board. He said <br />20 there are some items that are just very clear, and those could be on the regular Commissioner <br />21 agenda. <br />22 Chair Jacobs said Commissioner Rich and Commissioner Price were both talking about <br />23 thinking through what we hear as part of the public hearing process, and whether people have <br />24 had an adequate opportunity to address the Board. He said the flip side is that we don't want to <br />25 ask people to come more times than necessary. He said this needs to be combed out a little <br />26 more. <br />27 He said his recollection is that staff reported that Orange County's review process is not <br />28 any slower than neighboring jurisdictions. He said this process would potentially allow the <br />29 Planning Board to take itself out of this process, but there is nothing that precludes that. <br />30 Chair Jacobs said this proposal is generally an improvement but there have been some <br />31 points raised that the Board may want to isolate more. <br />32 Chair Jacobs said he is most concerned about there being more public access to the <br />33 decision making process as well as the Board receiving that information in order to know what <br />34 people are thinking. <br />35 Commissioner Rich referred to Chair Jacobs comment about the option for putting a <br />36 public hearing on the agenda. She asked if this has ever happened, where it has come from <br />37 the Planning Board. <br />38 Chair Jacobs said none have come from the Planning Board. He said he is saying that <br />39 box 5 on the flowchart would accommodate a way to do this. <br />40 Commissioner Gordon said she is not sure Chair Jacobs got all of the major points. She <br />41 said she wants to make sure to look through the minutes to capture all of these. <br />42 Chair Jacobs asked if there were any members of the public who would like to speak. <br />43 <br />44 PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE <br />45 <br />46 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Rich to: <br />47 Receive the information contained in this abstract and attachments; and <br />48 Close the public hearing. (This is being recommended because the proposed text amendments <br />49 are expected to be heard again at a future Quarterly Public Hearing, so there is no need to <br />50 adjourn the public hearing to a date /time certain. Closure of the hearing is necessary to ensure <br />
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