Agenda - 12-19-1995 - VIII-G
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-19-95
Agenda - 12-19-1995 - VIII-G
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Last modified
1/13/2015 4:20:05 PM
Creation date
1/13/2015 4:20:03 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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1995 NS Health - UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine for the substitute contract for its Department of Community Pedriatrics
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1995
Minutes - 19951219
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1995
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C. Provide medical services for adolescents. <br /> d. Serve as primary supervising physician for the nurse practitioners employed by <br /> the bCHD who provide medical services in the child health clinic and as needed in the <br /> adolescent clinic. <br /> e. Co-sign charts of patients seen by the nurse practitioners within five (5) working <br /> days. <br /> f. Provide consultation to OCHD staff on matters pertaining to the child health and <br /> adolescent health programs including the collaborative developmetn and approval of program <br /> protocols. <br /> 9- Provide phone consultation during regular OCHD hours to OCHD staff regarding <br /> treatment and follow-up of children and adolescents seen in the clinic or at school. Emergency <br /> phone consultation shall be available as needed during non-business hours. <br /> h. Provide continuing education consultation for nurse practitioners and other staff <br /> to include regular informal consultation and periodic formal sessions as appropriate. <br /> 3. The Chief of the Division of Community Pediatrics shall designate the name of the <br /> primary-pediatrician and the names of any physicians who will provide clinical services or will <br /> serve as back-up to the primary pediatrician when this person is unavailable. <br /> a. Any changes in these designations will be mutually agreed to by the Chief of the <br /> Division of Community Pediatrics and the Director of OCHD. <br /> b. The University and OCHD will indicate their mutual agreement to the designation <br /> of the primary pediatrician and any other physicians involved as described above by signing the <br /> "Designation of Primary Pediatrician"attachment to this contract. <br /> C. 'Me services of this contract will be provided by the Primary Pediatrician and the <br /> back-up physician unless a Department substitute is prearranged. Service beyond the minimum <br /> shall be arranged by the Department and the OCHD to avoid unreasonable length of service. <br /> The Primary Pediatrician will report activities and services performed to OCHD as requested by <br /> the Health Director. <br /> 4. The Department will relate to all patients and staff of the OCHD in a professional and <br /> instructional manner. <br /> 5. Ile Department will offer medical consultation in accord with the accepted methods and <br /> procedures. <br /> 6. The Department will maintain current registration and licensure and provide evidence of <br /> such to the OCHD upon request. <br />
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