Agenda - 12-09-1995 - Attachment 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-09-95
Agenda - 12-09-1995 - Attachment 1
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3/25/2015 3:59:14 PM
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1/13/2015 3:52:38 PM
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Y 04 <br /> Methodology <br /> Each of the three solid waste systems was evaluated based on five criteria selected by the LOG. <br /> These criteria are: <br /> 1. Diversion potential. The range of diversion from disposal likely to result from <br /> each system. <br /> 2. Cost. The range of total and per ton capital and annual operating costs for each <br /> system. <br /> 3. Impact on environment and public health. The environmental and public <br /> health issues associated with each system. <br /> 4. Technical risk. The experience, reliability and commercial availability of any <br /> technology associated with the system. <br /> 5. Likely opposition. The potential opposition to elements of the system, based on <br /> experience in implementation elsewhere and comments from the public and the <br /> CSWAC throughout the project. <br /> SUMMARY OF RFSUTS <br /> The results of the evaluation of the three solid waste systems for each criterion is provided in <br /> the following tables. <br /> Table ES-4 indicates the estimated diversion from each sector for the systems. Minimums and <br /> maximums are provided to reflect the likely range of results. This level of diversion will likely <br /> not be achieved during the initial implementation of the proposed system - it is based on a time <br /> period (3 to 5 years) after all system components have been implemented. Additionally, it is <br /> based on current waste generation (i.e., existing recycling has been added to disposal quantities). <br /> Therefore, these diversion estimates are not additive to the existing recycling. Also, existing <br /> prevention of waste may be occurring that may impact the estimated prevention component of <br /> diversion. <br /> Minimum levels of recovery correspond to the estimated low range of participation (i.e., amount <br /> collected) and recovery (i.e., level of contamination and, therefore, residue). The maximum <br /> case represents the high end of participation and recovery (minimum residue). In the high range <br /> of participation, materials that are recyclable but currently do not have readily available markets <br /> have been included (for example, film plastic or glass other than beverage containers). <br /> As can be seen, System 2 is estimated to have slightly greater overall diversion potential than <br /> System 1. System 3 results have somewhat lower diversion potential than either of these <br /> systems. It should be noted that when diversion increases, waste to be landfilled decreases. <br /> NOR/K\W P\10790\RPKDL001.WP ES-3 09/95 <br />
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