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MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Landfill Reorganization Work Group <br /> FROM: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Director <br /> SUBJECT: New Organization Structure <br /> DATE: November 29, 1995 <br /> This memorandum outlines an organizational structure that was <br /> defined in general terms by the Reorganization Work Group at their <br /> November 3 meeting. Additionally, it suggests other issues for the <br /> Group to consider as it further defines a new organizational <br /> structure. <br /> Background <br /> At the November 3 meeting of the Reorganization Work Group, Jake <br /> Wicker, of the Institute of Government, suggested that there are <br /> two primary questions when considering organization: Who decides? <br /> Who pays? and that it would be helpful to decide one in a <br /> preliminary fashion, deal with the second, and then go back and <br /> confirm the preliminary decision on the first question. <br /> In determining who decides, the group consensus was that decisions <br /> on waste prevention, processing and disposal should be shared by <br /> the participating jurisdictions, and that decisions on waste <br /> collection should be made by each jurisdiction. Decisions on <br /> collection would necessarily be influenced by both the joint <br /> decisions made on the other three program elements and by the <br /> Mission and -Goals Statement. <br /> Discussion <br /> The creation of a new Owners Group structure will require the <br /> member governments to confer some of their powers onto the new <br /> entity. This can be done through interlocal agreement, as with the <br /> current Owners Group, formation of a joint agency (by interlocal <br /> agreement) or by formation of a solid waste management authority <br /> (not necessarily called an authority, but utilizing the legislation <br /> that authorizes their creation) . <br /> The choice of how the organization is formed may ultimately depend <br /> upon which powers the member governments desire the new <br /> organization to have. At the November 3 meeting, the group began <br /> to discuss some of the desired powers of the new Owners Group. <br /> Prior to beginning a discussion on financing and who pays, we <br /> believe it may be beneficial to further discuss the details of who <br /> decides. The following are some of the non-financing issues that <br /> would need to be addressed when forming the new organization: <br /> • purpose <br /> • powers, duties and functions - <br /> • method of personnel appointment <br /> • number of delegates. to represent-member units and method <br /> of decision making <br />