Orange County NC Website
Appendix 1 6 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Stewardship Incentive Program <br /> Federal program administered at the County level by NRCS, NCFS, <br /> NCWRC, CES, CFSA. The program is designed to encourage landowners to <br /> manage their forest lands for economic, environmental and social benefits. The <br /> program assists the landowner in developing and implementing a comprehensive <br /> Forest Resource Management plan: timber, fish, wildlife, water, soil, <br /> aesthetics, recreation. <br /> Eligibility: <br /> must be a non-industrial private forest land of greater than 10 acres <br /> and must have an approved Forest Stewardship Plan. <br /> Cost share and technical assistance is available for plan development and <br /> plan implementation. Cost share rate varies by practice. <br /> Practices include tree planting, prescribed burning, mulching <br /> SIP-1 Plan Development <br /> SIP-2 Reforestation and Afforestation <br /> SIP-3 Forest and Agroforest Improvement <br /> SIP-5 Soil and Water Protection and Improvement <br /> SIP-6 Riparian and Wetland Protection and Improvement <br /> SIP-7 Fisheries Enhancement <br /> SIP-8 Wildlife Habitat Enhancement <br /> SIP-9 Forest Recreation Enhancement <br /> NC Forest Service has technical oversite on all federally cost-shared <br /> forestry practices. Oversite includes assessment of needs, coordinating with <br /> landowners and consultants for installation of practices and final approval of <br /> practices installed. NC Forest Service personnel are familiar with local <br /> consultants, timber harvesters, etc. and are the best choice to coordinate getting <br /> the practices on the ground. <br /> Both NRCS and NC Forest Service work with landowners interested in <br /> forest resource management, with the FS taking the lead role. Landowners can <br /> contact either agency concerning cost-share programs and will be assisted in <br /> applying for the one most suited for their needs. Both NCFS and NRCS work <br /> with individual landowners to provide information and education on proper <br /> forest management. <br /> The main obstacle to the full realization of the federal programs is <br /> uncertain and sporadic funding year to year. These programs offer an excellent <br /> opportunity for those interested in proper forest management. <br />