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� r <br /> �l <br /> 16 4. <br /> THENM&O&M <br /> MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1995 <br /> Federal-local battle <br /> reaches new heights <br /> A bill in Congress would counterpro ductive." <br /> make N more difficult for o(Rep- <br /> local local governments to restrict resentatives this past summer it is <br /> construction of towers for now being reconciled with a Senate <br /> cellular hones. bill that does not include the new <br /> P restrictions on municipalities. <br /> BY YONM SMMRON "I would be very disappointed if the <br /> STAFF WRITER federal government takes that plan- <br /> While the telecommunications ning right away from the city,"saiid <br /> industry is battling for the rights to Enc a council mem- <br /> build more cellular towers,a nation- ber who led the charge to change the <br /> al survey just released,shows that zonmg regulations to create incen- <br /> 92 percent of these prickly poles are tives for the telecommunications <br /> approved by local governments. industry to locate towers in com- <br /> '1'he survey by the American plan- mercial rather than residential <br /> ning Association shows that in 230 neighborhoods. <br /> cities and counties across the coun- - " ocafbodies tend to be more sen- <br /> try,cellular towers are approved in sitive.Vk don't want these towers all <br /> less than 60 days.The results of the over our neighbothoods.11 <br /> survey come at a time when the In the American planning Associ- <br /> industry is try- atiods survey,76 percent of the eom- <br /> mg to restrict the rights of munici- mumties said they were streamlin- <br /> palities to dear applications for cel- ing their application <br /> -- -- --- - ——- aplicaioII ��to <br /> -�pl <br /> — help tTe industry - ---- - <br /> get towers <br /> - ---- A federal bill now in conference approved in less than three monft <br /> committee seeks to limit the power--- A SvefokUncrease in the number <br /> of communities to turn down tower of towel's is expected before theyear <br /> applications.If the bill becomes law, 2000.Durbam has OIN 43 such tow- <br /> a municipality thatwantedtodegya ers and Raleigh 26 since the tech- <br /> -- wer application would need to nology emerged in the mid-Us. <br /> show substantial evidence for the "We have a society that tries to <br /> denial or face a legal challenge. meet consumer demand," said <br /> The industry lobbied hard for the Matthew Andrews,who served on <br /> bill, insisting municipalities were the task force that recommended <br /> thwarting tower applications.Com- tighter tower regulations for Raleigft <br /> panes surveyed by the Cellular "Concerns lika aesthetics and safety <br /> hxhs <yAsso- are often perceived as being sec- <br /> ciation said the average approval ondary." <br /> took five months and 11 percent took Municipalities across the nation <br /> more than a year;said spokesman are fighting the proposed regulatians, <br /> 111<ic�ael Houghton. through such agencies as the <br /> "It takes us quite a long time, National Association of Counties, <br /> sornetimesyears,to getthese towers which opposes the tougher restrio- <br /> sited," said Steve Fleischer, Bell how mimcgxditie& <br /> Atlantic"And cus- But there's been little citizen <br /> tomers are demanding service." protest so far <br /> But Jan Rothschild of the Ameri- "State and local governments <br /> can Planning Association said the understand what's happening"said <br /> industry's quest is unfounded. Susan Notkins,a board member of <br /> "We feel the claims of denial and the Potomac Conservancy,a non- <br /> delays are wildly exaggerated in profit land trust that wants to pro- <br /> order to serve a political purpose," tect the landscape from towers."The <br /> Rothschild said "The pre-emption public doesiY't understand vpt-M—t- <br />