Orange County NC Website
1 1 <br /> O <br /> CRITERIA TWENTY YEAR'TRANSITION <br /> SLOPE COMPLIES: Some slopes in the 10-15% range are found along the northwest boundary of <br /> Na significant al*:.air topo the site, along Cates Creek and a tributary. However, site development and the extension of <br /> problem that would`:';; public water and sewer should not be adversely affected, as this part of the site would likely <br /> unreasonably incream.Ehe be undeveloped. <br /> cost of extending water and <br /> sewer lines <br /> HYDROLOGY COMPLIES: Areas of 100-year floodplain occur along the banks of Cates Creek on the <br /> Located outside of 100-year site's northwest boundary. However, these areas are not likely to be used for development <br /> flood-prong arw& purposes and would normally remain an undeveloped portion of the site. <br /> FLORA AND FAUNA COMPLIES: There are no identified sites of unique or endangered species in this area. The <br /> Locatedl`away from sites that closest site in the Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats is 1/4-mile to the <br /> would,if developed,creaW. southwest- site E07, on the west side of Old 86 at the crossing of Cates Creek. Bottomland <br /> a th.eerto unique or hardwood forest is identified within the site, along the 100-year floodplain of Cates Creek. <br /> identified by the State or <br /> Federal tia�L. . <br /> SOIL CONDITIONS COMPLIES: Practically all of the site contains Herndon Silt Loam (HrB and HrQ soils, <br /> Located in arras where: which are generally conducive to development and have slight to moderate constraints for <br /> general soil conditions are construction. The HrC class soils on approximately half of the site have slopes on the order <br /> suitable for urban use& of 6-10% associated with them. However, this should not pose undue problems for site <br /> because of good.dtainsp development. A very small portion of the site contains Tatum silt loams, which have slopes <br /> Characteristics and load- of 8-15%. However, this in itself should not pose unworkable development constraints. <br /> bearing capscrty fryr site , <br /> development: <br /> PIUXX COMPLIES: The site could be provided water and sewer service via extension of lines from <br /> SERYICE/UI`RXn[ES the Town of Hillsborough. The extension of sewer would involve expansion of a gravity <br /> Located in aeons which are outfall line along Cates Creek that currently stops at I-85. This line would need to be <br /> or could be r'esso"y and extended southward along Cates Creek to the site. This extension is consistent with the <br /> efficiently served by:: Town's 50-Year Master Sewer Service Plan, and would considerably shorten future sewer <br /> centralized public swviees extension to the Economic Development District at I-40/Old 86. Water service would be <br /> and utilities♦ provided via linkage to one of two existing 12-inch lines that exist at the Old Mill Business <br /> Park across Cates Creek to the northwest, or from Wildwood subdivision to the northeast. <br /> Both lines are eventually planned to be looped for efficient service. Public safety service <br /> would be provided by the Sheriffs Department and the Rural Orange Volunteer Fire <br /> Department. If the site becomes part of the Town via annexation, police service would be <br /> provided by the Town of Hillsborough. <br /> TRANSPORTATIO.W'; COMPLIES: The site is located in close proximity to Interstates 85 and 40 and two major <br /> SYSTEM thoroughfares, Old Chapel Hill-Hillsborough Road and NC 86. The site has access to Old <br /> Located in areas "AM::..:; : Chapel Hill-Hillsborough Road, and access may be possible via adjacent roads in Stagecoach <br /> very good road wear; as :_ Run to the east. The Norfolk and Southern railroad is located less than one-half mile to the <br /> well as service by tail'des: northeast. <br /> Theta areas shOukl have the <br /> most complete.trow1portatim <br /> network in:the County's <br /> Plauoia�juriott <br />