Orange County NC Website
a <br /> 8 <br /> prominently displayed within major subdivisions. <br /> February 26, 1992 Amendment to require that under some circumstances, <br /> Conditional Use permits must be obtained rather than <br /> Zoning Permits. <br /> August 25, 1992 Amendment to require temporary signs. <br /> September 1, 1992 Amendment to clarify the agencies which may approve <br /> individual on-site septic or alternative sewage disposal <br /> systems. <br /> September 1, 1992 Amendment to make freestanding ATM machines permissible <br /> in certain districts. <br /> October 20, 1992 Amendment pertaining to design standards and performance <br /> standards for automotive repair or body shops. <br /> July 6, 1993 Amendments to comply with State water supply watershed <br /> protection Rules. <br /> November 9, 1993 Amendment to allow for deviations from setback <br /> requirements upon recommendation of the Appearance <br /> Commission. <br /> December 14, 1993 Amendment to allow water-dependent structures within <br /> watershed buffer areas. <br /> June 21, 1993 Amendment to define "Loop Street" . <br /> June 21, 1994 Amendment to provide for special exception permits. <br /> September 13, 1994 Amendment to change the composition of the Planning Board <br /> by converting one of the ETJ seats to a Transition Area <br /> seat. <br /> September 27, 1994 Amendment to provide specifications for turnarounds and <br /> alleys. <br /> April 18, 1995 Amendment to allow police presence facilities in every <br /> zoning district. <br /> June 20, 1995 Amendment pertaining to zoning districts for copy <br /> centers/printing operations. <br /> June 27, 1995 Amendment to add provisions related to dedication of open <br /> space. Forty percent open space is required for every <br /> development containing 15 or more dwelling units. <br />