2014-583 DEAPR - MdM Historical Consultants to update/complete county-wide historic resources inventory and prepare first phase of text for publication in book form and online $25,000
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2014-583 DEAPR - MdM Historical Consultants to update/complete county-wide historic resources inventory and prepare first phase of text for publication in book form and online $25,000
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1/12/2015 2:03:39 PM
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R 2014-583 DEAPR - MdM Historical Consultants to update/complete county-wide historic resources inventory and prepare first phase of text for publication in book form and online $25,000
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Attachment A <br /> General Terms and Conditions <br /> DEFINITIONS programmatic involvement with the grantee or <br /> Unless indicated otherwise from the context, the eubonanUee during the performance pf the grant. <br /> following terms shall have the following meanings inthis (10) "Grantee" has the meaning in G.G. 143C-8- <br /> Contract. All definitions are from 9 NCAC 3K8.0102 23(a)(2): a non-State entity that receives agrmnt <br /> unless otherwise noted. |f the rule or statute that iothe of State funds from a State agency, department, <br /> source of the definition is changed by the adopting or institution but does not include any non-State <br /> authohb—,the change ahaUbeincorporatedhanein.: entity subject to the audit and other reporting <br /> (1) "Agency" (as used in the context of the requirements of the Local Government <br /> definitions <br /> below) shall mean and include every Commission. For other purposes in this <br /> public ofOne, public officer or official (Gbaha or Contract, "Grantee" shall mean the entity <br /> |000|' elected or appointed), inabtubon, boand, identified ea one of the parties hereto. <br /> czxmmn|soion, bunamu, council, department, (11)"Grantor' means an entity that provides <br /> outhohb/or other unit ofgovarmnmentof the State nesounces, generally financial, to another entity <br /> or of any county, unit, special district or other in order bo achieve m specified goal orobieotive. <br /> political subagency of government. For other (12) "Non-State Entity" has the meaning in N.C.G.S. <br /> purposes in this Contract "Agency" ghoU mean 143C-1-1(d)(18): Any of the following that is not <br /> the entity identified oa one of the parties hereto. a State agency: An individual, o finn. a <br /> (2) "Audit' means an examination of records or partnermhip, an association, a counh/, o <br /> financial accounts to verify their accuracy. corporation, or any other organization acting ao <br /> (3) "Certification of Compliance" means m report a unit. The bamn includes a unit of local <br /> provided bv the Agency tothe Office ofthe State government and public authority. <br /> Auditor that states that the Grantee has met the (13) "Public Authority" has the meaning in N.C.G.G. <br /> reporting requirements established by this 143C-1'1(d)(32): 8municipal corporation that is <br /> Subchapter and included e statement of not a unit of <br /> local government or a local <br /> certification by the Agency and copies of the governmental outhmhb/, boand, cornnnission, <br /> submitted grantee reporting package. council, or agency that (i) is not m municipal <br /> (4) "Compliance Supplement' refers to the North corporation and (ii) operates on an omao. <br /> Carolina State Compliance Supp|ernent, regional, or multiunit boeim, and the budgeting <br /> maintained by the State and Local Government and accounting systems of which are not fully a <br /> Finance Agency within the North Carolina part of the budgeting and accounting systems of <br /> Department of State Treasurer that has been a unit of local government. <br /> developed in cooperation with agencies bzassist (14) "Single Audit' means on audit that includes an <br /> the |000| auditor in identifying program examination of an organization's financial <br /> compliance requirements and audit procedures otab*nnento, internal oontro|m, and compliance <br /> for testing those requirements. with the requirements of Federal or State <br /> (5) "Contraot' means a legal instrument that iaused awards. <br /> to reflect a relationship between the agency, (15) "Special Appropriation" means legislative act <br /> grantee, and aubonanbee. authorizing the expenditure of a designated <br /> (0) "Fiscal Year" means the annual operating year amount of public funds for a specific purpose. <br /> nf the non-State entity. (1O>"State Funda'' means any funds appnopr�tedbv <br /> (7) "Financial Assistance" means assistance that ' 'the North Carolina General Aoearnb|y or <br /> non-State entities receive or administer in the collected by the State of Nndb Carolina. State <br /> form ofgrants, |oaon. loan guarantees, property funds include federal financial assistance <br /> (including donated surplus property), received by the State and transferred or <br /> cooperative oQnsanmenta, interest nubmidiso, disbursed to non-State entities. Both Federal <br /> inauranua, hood comnmnodiUee, direct and State funds maintain their identity as they <br /> apppophationo, and other assistance. Financial are sub�ranhydhz other organizations. Pursuant <br /> oaaiatxnoa does not include amounts received to N./�.- S. 143C-6-23(o)(1), the tanne "State <br /> as reimbursement for services rendered to grant funds" and "State grants" do not include <br /> individuals for Medicare and Medicaid patient any payment made by the Medicaid proQnsnn, <br /> nanjceo. the Teachers' and State Employees' <br /> (8) ''Finonoio! Statement' means a report providing Comprehensive Major Medical P|mn, or other <br /> financial obstiabos relative to a given part of an similar medical programs. <br /> organization's operations orstatus. (17) ''Subonsntee" has the mooning in <br /> (S) "Grant' means financial assistance provided by N.C .G.G.143C-6-23(a)(3): a non-State entity <br /> an agency, grantee, orouboranteebz carry out that receives a grant of State funds from a <br /> 0r�ntmeorfn�nmanotheraubonanteebutdoeonot <br /> activities whereby the grantor anticipates no - <br /> include any non-State entity subject to the audit <br /> NGO Form 0009132 Grants General Terms and Conditions-Public Sector Entities <br /> B[9/20V5 <br /> Pagel <br /> � <br /> Revised 7/2007 <br />
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