2014-583 DEAPR - MdM Historical Consultants to update/complete county-wide historic resources inventory and prepare first phase of text for publication in book form and online $25,000
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2014-583 DEAPR - MdM Historical Consultants to update/complete county-wide historic resources inventory and prepare first phase of text for publication in book form and online $25,000
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Last modified
1/12/2015 2:06:13 PM
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1/12/2015 2:03:39 PM
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R 2014-583 DEAPR - MdM Historical Consultants to update/complete county-wide historic resources inventory and prepare first phase of text for publication in book form and online $25,000
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3 <br /> for the National Register of Historic Places. Each individual property or district <br /> presented for the Study List will have its own survey file. Prior to the presentation <br /> to staff, the Consultant will meet with HPO staff to review potential Study List <br /> properties and content of the formal presentation. Prior to the NRAC meeting, <br /> the Consultant will provide HPO staff with two printed lists: 1) a list of the Study <br /> List presentation properties for attachment to the NRAC agenda; and 2) a list of <br /> the Study List properties with owner name and mailing addresses. Following the <br /> NRAC meeting, the Consultant will provide HPO staff with printed and digital <br /> copies of the presentation text and a digital copy of the PowerPoint presentation. <br /> 8. At the end of the project, a final report by the Consultant submitted to the HPO <br /> before final reimbursement is made. The final report will be a professionally written <br /> essay presenting project methodology, discussing the overall status of previously <br /> recorded properties, and describing and evaluating previously unreported historical <br /> and architectural development and related contexts of newly recorded properties. <br /> The Consultant will provide the report to the HPO in two forms: a typed (printed) <br /> paper copy and a digital copy on diskette or CD. The final submission shall also <br /> include all survey materials described above, prepared to HPO standards. <br /> Survey files will not leave the State without the written permission of the Office. <br /> Additional Standards and Procedures: In order to ensure the consistent application of <br /> Statewide Survey and National Register standards and procedures, the Consultant shall: <br /> 1. perform the project activities according to the Secretary of the Interior's"Standards for <br /> Evaluation" and "Standards for Registration" under the supervision, direction, and <br /> guidelines of the HPO; <br /> 2. seek and obtain orientation from the HPO on all projects to ensure familiarity with <br /> Statewide Survey standards and procedures, resources of the Office of Archives and <br /> History, and the National Register of Historic Places program; <br /> 3. have the option to use the HPO's photo lab services for the printing of proofs from CDs <br /> or DVDs for the survey files.The digital image files must be properly named upon <br /> submittal to the photo lab. The Consultant may request the HPO to make the prints at <br /> HPO cost, based on a cost list provided for various photography items by the HPO,with <br /> the understanding that, while the HPO seeks to process photographs quickly to expedite <br /> projects, problems of labor and supplies sometime generate backlogs. A three-week <br /> processing time is usual, but the time may be longer. The Consultant agrees to pay all <br /> invoices for HPO photo lab services associated with the grant project prior to the <br /> HPO's approval of the Consultant's final payment as set forth in the Time-Product- <br /> Payment Schedule; <br /> 4. obtain from the HPO and utilize the Access survey database, inventory folders, and <br /> labels required for file preparation, and blank registration forms for nominations; <br /> 5. seek and obtain clerical support from the HPO for integrating photographs into <br /> Statewide Survey files; <br /> 6. Provide inventory materials, including survey files with printed forms as well as the <br /> survey database and digital photographs on CDs or DVDs, to the HPO for archival <br /> storage and maintenance by the HPO.; and <br />
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