Orange County NC Website
C-... <br />10 <br />M]EMoRAvnvM <br />To: Bruce Heflin, Director of Public Works <br />FROM: Roger Waldon, Planning Director �- <br />SUBJECT: Regulatory Considerations Regarding the Neville Property (Chapel Bill Township <br />Tax Map # 18, Parcel 22) <br />DATE: November 7, 1994 <br />You asked for information about the above named property, and about regulatory restrictions <br />related to its use for supplying fill dirt. <br />Current zoning for this property is Residential - l , one of our low- density residentsai districts. <br />Permitted uses include single - family dwellings and a series of low - intensity non - residential uses <br />as follows: day care facility, place of worship, public cultural facility, public use faculty, <br />school, and non -profit recreation facility. <br />You described the possibility of use of this property to provide fill, dirt for another parcel. Our <br />Development Ordinance contains the following definition, which I believe fits the use you <br />describe: <br />Extraction , oj Earth, Prodrects: The process of removal of natural deposits of <br />mineral ores, soils, or other solid matter from their original location, not <br />including any processing of such material beyond incidental mechanical <br />consolidation or sorting to facilitate transportation off-site. <br />This use is permitted only in our Rural Transition zoning district, and only pursuant to Council <br />approval of a Special Use Permit. <br />The process for obtaining a rezoning and subsequent Special Use Permit could occur "n two <br />ways: either an application for rezoning, followed by an application for a Special Use Permit; <br />or simultaneous consideration of applications for both. <br />Both types of applications involve review by staff and the Planning Board, a Public Hearing <br />before the Town Council, and subsequent action by the Town Council. I normally advise <br />applicants seeking such approvals to count on a sit -month process from submittal to action by <br />the Town Council (rough estimation; can be shorter for a non - controversial application, and <br />occasionally is longer) . The period of preparing and approving final plans following Council <br />approval of a Special Use Permit usually tames about two months. <br />Let me know if there is more information that would be helpful. <br />